Doing Laundry

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 "Hey babe, can you throw a load of clothes in for me please?" Carmilla yells over her shoulder as she tries to get the house cleaned up a little bit before Laura's dad arrived. She seriously loves and detests how incredibly domesticated that makes her sound. No one from her past would have ever believed that the once great and might Carmilla/Mircalla/Armcilla Karnstein would have settled down quite so easily, if they had believed it at all. Some would have laughed. others might have just passed the hell out at the idea.

Laura probably had some inkling of an idea of what Carmilla's life had used to look like from seeing her interactions with Mattie, but there was no way that she understood the depths to which major party girl Carmilla had been sunk. At some point she had probably danced with all of the greats.

Still, the vampiress decidedly preferred this much more simple life of peace and quiet with Laura. She did sometimes go a little bit stir crazy, but she used that opportunity to sweep Luara off of her feet and to take her somewhere amazing and romantic, or just to somewhere that had meant something to Carmilla. Laura loved the spontaneity of it and the romance that came along with having been swept off of her feet, sometimes quite literally.

"Carmilla! Help!" Laura screams and the vampiress immediately drops everything and runs the other laundry room as quickly as possible.

"Laura, how in the hell did you do that?" carmilla asks in a deadpan 'wtf' voice.

"How do I do anything?" her voice echoes out of the washing machine that her feet are sticking up out of. Her head is in the bottom and her entire body is wedged in. Carmilla definitely couldn't complain about their life together being boring.

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