Blame It On The Alcohol and the Waltzing

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Blame It On the Alcohol and the Waltzing

Laura felt like a princess. Perry was just putting the finishing touches on her hair, which would probably have taken a lot less time if she had been able to stop bouncing up and down in her seat.

"I wonder what Carmilla will wear." She mused aloud for what was possibly the fifth time.

"I'm sure that it will be something in black." Was Perry's answer again.

"You say that like she doesn't look absolutely stunning in black." Laura scoffs, smoothing down her maroon dress.

"Done. Now let me put some makeup on that cheek pinchin' cute face of yours." Perry ordered, her navy blue dress making swooshing noises whenever she moved.

"Okay, then, what do you think LaFontaine will be wearing?" She asked as turned to face Perry.

"A button-down shirt, short sleeves of course, a bow-tie and khaki pants. Maybe their glasses." Perry rattled off.

"Maybe Carm will wear red. She looks good in red too." Laura mused aloud again, not mentioning that Carmilla looks good in everything.

"Keep this in your bra or something. It goes really well with your skin tone and dress. The others should be here soon to pick us up." Perry said, handing her a tune of lipstick.

Laura's skin was flawless so she didn't really need much makeup at all, if any, so the two girls nervously sat on Laura's bed to wait for their dates.

Laura fidgeted and thought about how Carmilla had 'asked' her to the annual homecoming dance (complete with goat sacrifice). All of the students were expected to learn how to do at least basic ballroom and Laura had bullied her vampire into teaching her and her friends.


She had been wondering why Carmilla hadn't yet asked her to the dance or if she even planned on going. It was making her nervous. If Carmilla didn't know whether or notaura wanted to go, the dancing lessons should have been a very good hint.

Later that night after Laura had updated her blog and the pair was getting ready for bed, Carmilla was lying on her side on Laura's bed watching her change into her pajamas when she asked what color Laura's dress was.

"Sort of purply-maroon. Why do you ask?" Laura asked, settling down next to her vampire.

"Your feet are always so cold." Carmilla complains. "I'm thinking about your corsage."

She says making Laura's face break out in a face splitting grin.

"You're the best." She tells Carmilla and kisses her hard once before rolling over to face away from her vampire girlfriend.

Carmilla chuckles and wraps an arm around Laura's waist and drags her closer, kissing her cheek before trying to go to sleep.


Laura's thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. Both girls shot up and off of the bed and smoothed down their dresses, before Perry opened the door to LaF and Carmilla.

"Hi." Laura squeaked when Carmilla came in and advanced prederatorily on her.

"You look ravishing, Cupcake." Carmilla said after giving her a couple of once overs.

"And you steal the show as usual." Laura said and for the first time Carmilla understood just how Laura felt under her vampiric gaze. Laura looked hungry.

"Hello, LaFontaine. You look great." Perry said.

"And you're just...whoa." LaF said with a laugh.

"Thanks." Perry replied and the pair simply stood there, staring unabashedly and blushing.

"Carmilla, are you okay? You sort of look like you're about to pass out."

"You're just...I'm not...I don't even know how to process how incredible you look." She stuttered and Laura smiled. She had never thought herself capable of rendering anyone as over the top attractive like Carmilla speechless.

"Now you know how I feel waking up to you every morning." Laura said, grabbing Carmilla's hand and using that momentum to get up high enough to kiss her cheek.

"You guys ready?" Carmilla asked, as Laura took the oppurtunity to look her up and down again.

Carmilla was wearing a strapless red dress with a bodice styled like her black corset that stopped mid-thigh with a poofy skirt, and black heels.

"Yeah." Replied Perry, otherwise occupied adjusting LaF's bow tie.


"I'm glad that I had you to teach me now." Laura said as she and Carmillla waltzed, staring up at her vampire girlfriend with her adoring brown eyes.

"It's not that hard, you would've picked it up pretty quickly I'm sure." She replied, having trouble keeping a smitten grin off of her face.

"Still, why are we like the only people dancing?" Laura asked.

"Only the four of us came to my 'class'  and you are enjoying this way too much. Can we go get punch or something?" Carmilla asked, suddenly uncomfortable with the number of eyes she could feel on her.

"Sure, I wonder if it's been spiked?" Laura asked.

"Oh, it's definitely been spiked." Carmilla Said nefariously.

"Oh, come on! You didn't!?" Laura scolded.

"I didn't. I just saw Ginger One do it." Carmilla reassured her. "I've gotten 23 degrees from this school, trust me the punch is always spiked." She laughed.

"Thank you for doing this, Carm. I know this stuff probably isn't all that important to you, but it was to me, so thank you, even though I know it wasn't for me, so thank you, Carmilla, for this dance." Lara told her, and Carmilla nearly teared up.

"Come on, love. You know that I wouldn't. I do these things because I enjoy seeing you enjoy them. You happy, equals me happy, Shortcake." Carmilla explained, while staring at the ceiling. Laura rose up on her tiptoes and kissed Carmilla, right there in the middle of the dance hall.

"I love you, Carmilla." Laura confessed, right in the middle of the school dance next to the punch table, staring up with naked adoration into her vampire's eyes.

"I love you too, Cupcake. More than I thought would ever be possible for a centuries old, broken vampire. You gave my life some light again." she responded, reaching closer to Laura to tuck some blonde-brown hair behind her ear. Laura was backed up against one of the columns and Carmilla had turned on the seduction eyes.

"I just wants some punch, Carm. Not PDA." Laura hissed, despite the fact that she had already snaked her arms around her vampire's neck.

"Your mouth and your body are saying some very different things, Creampuff." Carmilla whispered into her ear, soft lips brushing her skin.

"Shut up and kiss me." she whispered back, putting her glass down.

"That dress is giving me palpitations and I don't even hae a heart beat." Carmilla whispered back, teasing Laura's pulse point with her nose and teeth.

"Stop that and kiss me." the human whined.

"Say please."

"Pretty please, sugar on top." she said immediately.

Finally, graciously, Carmilla kissed Laura, oh-so-softly, as though Laura might break if she wasn't gentle enough.

"Want to get out of here?" Laura asked.

"People will wonder..." Carmilla said, pretending to only consider the thought.

"Blame it on the alcohol and the waltzing." Laura said with a shrug. "That was basically sex in 1698."

A stunning grin broke out across Carmilla's face and she grabbed her girlfriend's hand before dragging her back to their room.

"Ten bucks, Perr." LaF chuckles, holding out her hand.

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