The Bathroom Stall|Note Thirty-Three

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Note Thirty-Three

Dear Bathroom Stall,
I hope I don't scare you away with my story. Here it goes.
Pretty much I've been crushing on this guy for over a year; I don't think he knows otherwise he probably would have run in the other direction a longggg time ago. He would have good reason anyways since I'm pretty much a stalker. I've got his phone number from the school directory in my contacts even though I've never actually called or texted him before, and I constantly stalk through his Facebook.
There's probably something wrong with me, so I figure the sooner I get over this guy, the better it'll be for me. How do I get over him? Any advice?

Biting my lip, I reread the newly scrawled note on the bathroom door, not sure exactly what I should write in response. It wasn't that this Kristen was weird; on the contrast she was probably the norm. I could still remember how I'd stalk Terrence on Facebook, though fat lot it did for me in the end.

I had been at a club meeting after school, and since I hadn't been able to check the bathroom stall, I had made my escape and came over to the bathroom. There were several new notes, half the door almost covered in marker, much to my surprise.

Before I could look over the other three notes that were newly written, my phone rang and I hurriedly grabbed it from my back pocket.

"Hello?" I answered, balancing my cell phone between my head and shoulder.

"Hey Cora, this is Tucker."

"What's up?" I asked curiously, quickly checking my caller i.d. to see that it was his home number; he still hadn't given me reason why he never gave me his cellphone number.

"Well, my shift got moved around at the burger shop. Would you like to come over and work on our project?"

Mentally going through my calander, I said, "sure! I'll be over in say, an hour?"

"Great!" Tucker's voice was hyped up as he added, "don't forget the brownie mix!"

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