The Bathroom Stall|Note Two

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Note Two


So, there's this crazy rumor going around the school that this bathroom stall talks. And I guess it's true because from the other note by this Sarah chick, that it does. So now I can go around saying that I talked to a bathroom stall door. Not that they don't think I'm crazy already, especially after I rejected my best friend, the quarterback of the football team, Tommy. Like, yeah, I'm in deep shit. He asked me to Homecoming and I said no, because that would just be awkward. Now he's not talking to me. What the hell do I do now?

~ Ivey

Tucking my hair behind my ear, I tapped my foot on the tiled ground and bit my lips before considering this 'Ivey' girl's words. Her letters were printed on neatly in bubbly text, cute and girly in comparison to her language and tomboyish character, something I had to smile at.

I grew serious as I read her note once more before thinking hard as to what I was going to say to her. She was the second person to write a note on the bathroom door stall, which surprised me slightly since I thought the first girl, Sarah, was the only one. Unscrewing my purple Sharpie, I started writing,

Dear Ivey,

First, you should be happy you got invited to Homecoming because a ton of girls are never going to get asked. Are you the tall, brunette that Tommy always hangs out with? Because if you are, I think you'll be okay. If you're worried about your friends, they're there, and there's a ton of them too. And regarding Tommy, you should try talking to him. Just say things about why exactly you don't want to go and see if he still wants to go just as friends. If not, get a couple of your girlfriends and enjoy Homecoming without him. And if he refuses to see your logic, let him simmer down until he wants to talk to you again.

Sometimes you have to be the bad guy.


Putting a Y.W for you're welcome next to the Thanks! by my first reply, the one to Sarah a week ago, I looked over my neat cursive and cocked my head, still surprised that I was doing what I was. The old bathroom stall door was covered in Ivey and Sarah's notes only, but to me, it seemed ridiculous that I had bothered writing two replies. Exiting the stall cautiously, making sure that the bathroom was empty, I washed my hands, rearranged my black hair, and headed out into the hall.

But before I could take many steps out to the courtyard where my friends were eating lunch, a voice from behind called out to me. "Hey, Cora!"

Wincing a little as I realized who it was, I turned around as smiled as Andrew, out of breath, rushed up to me, his bookback banging on his legs. "Hey Andrew, what's up?"

"I wanted to know if you wanted to hang out at my house tonight." He asked, adjusting the collar of his starched dress shirt. Andrew wasn't a kid that I knew very well, but after I solved the Caluculus problem he couldn't figure out in class, thanks to the Asian half of me, he had been relentlessly running after me.

"I can't Andrew. I have piano tonight." I lied in an apologetic tone, watching his hopeful face fell.

"Well, alright. After all, we can't have you all rusty, eh?" He replied awkwardly, stumbling as he tried to walk backwards away from me. "See ya later, Cora!"

"Bye." Watching him hurry away, I sighed. He was a genuine kid, I knew that, and I was usually nice to the 'weird awkward nerds' as others dubbed them, but my heart had already been stomped on enough.

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