6: My Man

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"A sliver of hope is all I need; a glint of love is all I heed for."

Everything happened so fast in a matter of weeks and months that I didn't even notice how time flew by so easily. With each new day, I rose with the sun, prayed my obligatory prayers towards Allah, and fulfilled my worldly duties by checking on my father and going to work every day. Being a CEO wasn't easy, it was devastatingly tiring but fun too. The staff and business partners loved me so far or pretended to, I hoped my motivation towards my work was good enough for everyone.

It was around my Asar prayer that the beautiful city of Riyadh resonated with the magnificent sound of the Adhaan that pulled the strings of my heart towards it, the most peaceful music to my ears, I listened with closed eyes. If death came upon me, I would be the most blessed. Standing near the window of my office, I took in the call of prayer. When it ended, I headed to the bathroom that was joined with the office and performed my ablution (wudhu). Gazing at my reflection on the expensive, clean mirror, I found how happy I seemed just when it's about near prayers. Chuckling at myself for no reason, I headed out and faced a girl waiting with files. I was still not familiar with all the staff members. Rolling the sleeves of my abaya down, I smiled at her; she looked to be about my age.

"What is it?" I asked walking towards the coffee table, bending down I grabbed the praying mat.

"I knocked a few times ma'am, I'm your assistant and my name is Saaiqa Ahmad. I was appointed to you just yesterday, I am familiar with your work because my elder sister had this position," She informed a little nervously.

Spreading the mat, I took my heels off, "Very well Saaiqa, you must know all the rules then, especially the top important ones? And where did your sister go?" I asked, perplexed with the sudden disappearance. She was my father's assistant; I had only met her twice in all my years.

"Yes ma'am, do not worry. She is on maternity leave, but your father gave her a permanent leave for she was not well," She said.

I nodded, "Oh, may Allah give her plenty of health and patience," I paused, gazing at the clock, "I need to pray, and if anything, that matters?"

"No, ma'am just that we need a few signatures on some files."

"Very well, I will see to them," I concluded and turned towards the Kaabah to offer my prayer.

"Allah O Akbar," I started.

When done with my Salah, I spread my hands open for dua.

Confused about what to ask for, I thanked instead. "No matter how much I thank you, almighty Lord, it is not enough, and I wish I could be the person you want me to be. Ya Rab, forgive this sinful servant of yours and help her walk through all your tests, make me an excellent woman, daughter, and wife. Help me. Ameen."

Getting back to work, I found the files of two reports to the financing department and one to the technology where a few machines had stopped working and new ones were needed. Dialing Buraq's office number, I heard his hard tone, "Salam, what can I help you with?"

"Walaikum'Asalaam, did you check the technical department? There are a few machines that cost way too much and have been burned," I asked, going through the papers of how rough the situation was for them.

"Ah yes I have, you can sign the papers for it is a reasonable price and the machines are of importance," He advised. I nodded. "Okay, thank you." I cut the call and continued to do the work all day.

It was pastime Isha when my phone blurred to life startling me. Picking it up tiredly, I answered. "Hello." Suppressing a yawn, I gazed at the clock. It was 9:40 p.m., and I was still caught up with work.

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