18: The Blue Evening

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"Slowly everything flows within every beat of our hearts, it grows with every breath we take, slowly it burns us with every second apart and near, and slowly it will kill you or bring you back to life."

"You sure you want to do this, angel? You're taking a tremendous step. I recommend you to rest." Abdullah spoke softly, making me sigh. This was the hundredth time he asked me to stay home and away from the insects mingling outside, it was the hundredth time I said the same, "I'm sure dear, stop fussing over this you know me very well, I never stay back I will fight, I'm not a coward." I paused breathing deep, taking Mustafa's name gave me all the creeps one could get, "I will not hide from him anymore, and he needs to know he messed with the wrong girl, Abdi."

He shook his head and got up defeated in making my mind, Seema watched me with a pitiful gaze. "Don't look at me like that, there are more troubles to come." I winked and helped Abdi take my suitcases.

I was leaving the condo finally after a week; I waited for Musa, for any sign he was here or anywhere but he never came nor contacted me. This one week was so long and stressful I wanted to kill myself and so I decided I couldn't pity myself wasting my days weeping in bed, my health was disturbed by my horrible routine of sleeping mostly and eating nothing. I was in depression, no doctor helped me out I did myself by growing some balls and finally deciding against Musa. If fate wanted me dead, I'm sure I would be fine, the wealth was not going with me to my grave nor was Musa going to grieve over the loss of me.

'Forgive me Allah for disobeying Musa, help me I have to do this.' I prayed.

Leaving the super luxurious apartment behind, I finally saw the outside, and it felt like it was for the first time. I felt like a newborn baby and perhaps I was, for it was after over three months I last saw or breathed the natural atmosphere. The sun-kissed my pale skin lovingly, it felt as if my mother was with me.

"Feeling good?" Seem asked smirking, I laughed.


Driving through the city, I noticed how far I was from the heart of the city, nearing the rich streets of Riyadh I liked how the homely feel of the environment calmed me. I was isolated for a very long time, only familiar with Musa's face, his routine. He made himself a habit of mine, everything he did became my oxygen, living without him was like living in hell, it was hard and torturing but I lived; I lived to the day I had to face everyone again by myself like always a human came alone in this world and died alone. Living shouldn't be so hard but when love knocks on your door, you're doomed for life.

"Welcome home." Abdullah whistled making me snap out of my thoughts, I truly was home, my father's mansion, it was good to be back but something in my heart still yearned for the unfortunate man I so loved.

"Ma Sha Allah, you have kept it well." I praised the two minions I called my mates.

"It was our duty angel." Abdi winked and made his way inside. As I walked past the help, the Gardner, and so on. All mouths agape, shock, happiness, worry marking their faces as I made my way. With a bright smile, I waved at them.

"Asalamu'Alaikum," I called out.

At once they all gathered around me, touching me, checking if I was alright, asking me questions I couldn't comprehend, their Arabic flying over my head as they spoke too fast and rushed over each other to hug me. These were the same help that came at the same age as me, twenty, so years ago when my parents first came into this house, they saw me grow up and so on. Their love for me was outstanding as they checked me wholly.

"Binti, what happened?" "Where were you, child?" "You're so pale."

"You're alive." "What'd he do!?!"

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