13: A Blow from the Past & the Present

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"We were two women and one man, though he looked to her while I looked to him."

Aeeyah Bazmee, someone I knew from a long time ago, I could even consider her as a friend but then, things never turned out the way they were supposed to with her.

"You remember me, and here I thought your brain was rusted under all the pressure Uncle Saadiq put you through," she said in a sultry voice.

I breathed deep. She was more than that. She held years of resentment, rivalry, and a past full of poison. I never hated her for something I knew little about, but I had a feeling I was going to change my mind soon.

"What do you want Aleeyah?" I gritted not in the mood of mind games. I wanted to believe she was here by accident while looking for the mall, but I knew I was in for some bad news.

"You have everything I want and now you will pay for what you stole, you blithering thief!" She yelled, taking two wide steps inside the room. Me?

She looked glamorous to be honest, in skin-tight jeans and a six-inch black heel she looked way out of place. She looked just as I remember her, only older and sharper, she was always the prettiest in our family, yes, and my family. She shared the sharp London gray eye color that ran in my father's family. She had jet black hair and sharp features too. She was a model in her career and why wouldn't she be, she was dazzling in every way, hence why she could get away with the modern look in a city like Riyadh. But what was the point when inside she was like burning coal, she held so much unforgiving resentment it amazed me how much sour she had stored in herself. In all her twenty-two years she became into a slithering monster from a sweet pie, I was confused and concerned but upmost I was angry. To hell with her being the adult, she was acting like a child!

"What'd I steal? You're the one who left us, not me!" I yelled back as I could recall how she had left.

Aleeyah, my first cousin, sneered at me. I could almost see pain, but it was all clouded with rage & hatred.

The past was flashing before us like lightning.

"Oh, I left, but it was all because of you princess, it was always you!" She screamed, her red lips twisting in a smirk, "But now I have the most treasured piece of gem, I have finally achieved something you curled your hands on." Her low chuckle rose goosebumps all over my body.

Six years ago.

"You have failed our blood, brother! I will not tolerate this!" My father screamed at his younger brother.

I was 14 and my first cousin was only 16. Her jet black hair was tousled in a messy bun, her gray eyes bloodshot from all the crying she had done these past two awful nights. I didn't know what was happening. Recently I had lost my mother and the only parent I had was my father who was so reserved I sometimes wondered if he was my dad. Uncle Bazmee and Aleeyah were alone like us, I never saw her mother nor did I ever ask as it was rude asking things that weren't related to you in this family. It had been two days since Uncle and his daughter came over for some kind of emergency. There was always something odd about the two but my naïve 14-year-old mind could never decipher such mind games.

We both stood hidden in the doorway, eavesdropping on our fathers knowing well if we got caught we were going to get some real and** spanking which I didn't like at all. Aleeyah was a very reserved girl, she was immensely gorgeous but there was a cold barrier to everything she did or said and so we were never close.

"I built this on my own, I gave you our father's will! I will not give you what I have built for my family understood?" My father yelled at his brother. It was sad to see them fighting. They never got along, but they never fought like this either. It was obvious this fight was on business and money issues, and it irked me why to fight over something so liquid.

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