12: To be Fearless

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"Mothers teach their daughters to be fearless. I was taught to be fear itself."

My heartbeat was slow at first and then it quickened because of my unstable instincts screaming at me to wake up and face the world I was dragged into. Dear God! My head throbbed as if a hammer was being rammed into my skull. I opened my eyes slowly knowing whatever was out there; I would not like it one bit. My breathing hitched out of fear, I had a terrible feeling I wasn't where I was supposed to be and the unfamiliar surrounding atmosphere was going to torture me for longer than I suppose. I pinched my eyes open, groaning I let my blurry vision fixate on one spot at first, just as my hazel eyes adjusted to the dim light to my right I realized I wasn't home but in another place. My heartbeat fast in fear of being somewhere I wasn't familiar with. Okay, Hoor! Keep calm.

"Bismillah," I whispered squinting my eyes I prepared myself to face my doom. I had a feeling I was far from home, having to know I was kidnapped terrified me because of many reasons, but one of them was me being a millionaire girl so yeah. I was never abducted in my life, nor did I wish to be even in my wildest imagination, I couldn't think of being kidnapped. Now that I was, I wanted to consider myself brave for a second because I did not wail or cry my heart out yet. I had to be very careful with what and whom I was to face, I didn't know what day it was, how long it had been, but as far as I remember I was abducted on a beautiful Friday.

Looking about, I reckoned to be in a small room, the size of my bathroom. Where there should be a toilet there was a single broken chair, the bathtub was replaced by a single creaky bed that had holes in its mattress and where there was supposed to be a sink, there was a small door with no handle. Great.

No window, no handle to the door, obviously it was locked. Getting up from my laying position I noticed how dirty and dull the room was the kidnappers would not renovate the room before bringing me here but for me, this was a big downfall.

My throat hurt from dryness, my chapped lips showed how long it must've been since last I hadn't drunk water. It was hot in this room, no way for air to pass and I was considering taking my abaya off but I felt safer like this and so I paced the small space in the room thinking deeply.

Who would kidnap me and why?

Some enemies, and probably for money.

Where am I?

Probably shipped to the Caribbean.

Oh, that's wild, well finally I would get to see the world. I shuddered at the thought. How do I get out?

Scream? Na, beg? No way. I should probably wait for the thief to come, and then I'll calculate how to get out.

What was happening outside?

The media must've known by now and well a lot of dirt was to come upon me and the whole of Riyadh. Just great.

I hope Abdullah and Seema weren't dumb enough to not call the police. Of course, they did, help was coming to In Sha Allah.

What about him? Does he care? Yeah, he cares but about his reputation, and if bringing you back keeps his status intact, then be prepared for him being angry at you and for going back to his house. Truthfully this reality hurt but it was true, and I had been facing it for over four months now I could do it furthermore.

I had no one but Allah. I sighed, I checked my wristwatch and found the golden arrow pointing at 1:30 p.m. So it was day time hopefully and not night damn these watches. Walking towards the wooden door I thought of breaking it at first but there was nothing metal like to break it if I took the chair well the poor thing was already broken.

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