16: Fear

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"Her wounds reminded her of her bad time but it strengthened her rather than weakening her. She became a queen of a king unbeknownst."

"NO!", I screamed trying my best to contain my pain to myself knowing if I showed any fear or agony, the attacker will be pleased and torture me more. I had been enduring this for days, Allah will surely send some help or strengthen me.

A burning hissing sound erupted from within me, my cuts slitting open like cracks in the earth when the world is shaken. Catastrophic pain was all that could be felt yet there was a thin sheer light of hope, I knew it was my sanity and nothing else.

His belt whipped across my back yet again, digging a fresh cut upon my tender flesh. Hot liquid oozed out right away.

"Ah!" I cried out. He was enjoying this or he was angry.

"You will remember these scars, these wounds girl!" He barked and slashed another round of his belt upon my back with no mercy, I blacked out for the unbearable pain I suffered.

"Hoor!" I heard a distant voice. My world of that four by four room was rattling, the walls were shaking and my body jerked here and there. I was in pain, confusion slowly the room cracked into a million pieces and my world stopped shaking only until.

"Hoor!" Someone, some human, was calling my name. They found me, they've finally found me. But who..?

"She's sated, she'll be up soon." I heard an unfamiliar voice, "I'll be back." The voice said to some other living thing besides me. No, don't leave me with these animals too late.

Black vision.

My world shook violently, something was shaking me ridiculously. A moan escaped my mouth, Ya Allah, my whole being hurt like pins poking each pore. My bones ached as if they had been broken twice a day.

"Hoor wake up!" Said a deep voice, no plea, no desperation just a plain order. I wanted to kill that voice, it either sent chills down my spine or warmed my heart. I was never a fan of these hot and cold feelings, I mean stick to one and I'd be good.

I opened my eyes, a blurry vision of the wall above was I in a hospital or an asylum or worse, and in that hell hole, and I was forced to live in for some time.

"Allah." I gasped, my head hurt, everything just screamed agony. "Hoor." It wasn't my name, it was a question.

Blinking several times I glanced at the tall figure leaning over me with a muscled arm on one side and his body on the other trapping me in place so I didn't bolt. I wanted to bolt, but I stared at him in wonder. Those green eyes, they felt warm but some sharp memory put fear into me.

"You will remember this, girl!"

Whip! Came that belt.

I remembered very well, Mustafa did a toll on me. With all my might I shoved the monster away from me making some tubes attached to me come out. Blood spilled out like a fountain as I shoved the shocked green eye man.

"Go away," I screamed, tears escaping my eyes. How could he be so cruel? He kidnapped me, hurt me, played me, beat me and now he wanted to comfort me! I felt sick, bile threatening to rise I yelled the monster away.

I saw Seema running towards me. She took my shaking form into her soft warm hug trying to calm me. Her sweet nothings soothing my blasted nerves, I couldn't stand the man, I was going to report him but I had no proof. Musa will never believe me over his father and wife. I was in great conflict, I was in danger of being crushed or finished.

"It's okay, I'm here." She whispered rocking me back and forth as I hiccupped uncontrollably not being able to contain my fear. I was scared out of my wits, I was fearing the existing and the non-existence. Only Allah could help me, I felt insane, and He was my only hope.

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