10: Secrets

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"When the medicine stops, the prayer heals."

Sweet was what I was feeling now, he had ignited some fiery emotion within me and it felt way too good. Maybe I was backing away from the barriers I had built before entering his life. Now all I thought was of falling along with my time and tasting what life threw at me.

"Hoor." He called from the bed, his back to me.

"Yes," I replied, walking towards him from my side of the room.

"I have a meeting tomorrow morning with the owner of a construction company in the USA. I need to g-" he was saying, but I cut him off immediately.

"Certainly not. You will stay home and rest." He raised a brow in mock surprise, I gulped realizing how I had talked. "I mean, I will do the meeting just tell me." I coughed uncomfortably, fidgeting with some of my files.

"You will screw it up. I'll ask Miriam." He said in a beat. I won't say that didn't hurt, it did, but I pretended otherwise and went to the bathroom. The fact that he agreed to stay home was enough for now.

The toilet seat came into view and I blushed a crimson red, damn him. He was so close. What made him torture me like that?

"Here." I placed a glass of lukewarm milk and tablets on a tray next to him. The side effects of the poison left him slightly unstable, other than that he was better than before. He took them nonchalantly and gulped it all down in three big sips. My phone started ringing, and he took a glance towards it with a frown who would call in the middle of the night even I felt nervous. Taking it in my hand Abdullah's name flashed on the wide-screen impatiently, Musa did not know about me finding out who poisoned him, he took it as a mere minor threat while I felt it was a big thing.

"Asalamu'Alaikum." I attended and left the room to the balcony shutting the doors so he didn't hear.

"I was so close angel, so close, and then just like that I'm empty." He growled.

"What happened, calm down, dear?" Worry lines etched on my forehead. He never failed. Was it true that some big hand was behind all of this?

"I took all the internal details out of the Chinese order you placed, the dish you chose for yourself was Musa's fav-" I didn't get to hear the rest of his sentence because suddenly I felt his warm presence right behind me. His tall figure hovered over my small one, the phone on his ear now with a cylinder finger on his lips indicating me to stay silent. I gasped at him. He couldn't just snatch my phone like that it was rude and Abdullah was informing me of his poisoning, which cleared all my doubts. Musa's features turned from calm to a dangerous dark storm. Rage clouded his green pupils. His jaw clicked into one place. He was so rigid I backed away from his form, my back hitting the balcony railing. The night stopped moving as he gave me a blank, angry look, I gulped what Abdullah said.

"Thank you, Abdullah," Musa said and cut the call. His dark eyes directed skywards. What got him so worked up? Fear crawled its ugly claws inside of me. He looked so scary I had never witnessed him like this. He looked like a monster on loose, I wanted to escape but his large body blocked my escape route.

"Why?" He asked, his voice hoarse.

I was utterly confused, "what?" I dared.

He stepped way too close, so close I think I lost my right to breathe. His intimidating eyes now directed to me, "Why would you want to know who bothered poisoning me? What made you think of that in the first place? You could've gotten rid of me, why take so much care, Hoor!?!" He asked, his voice rising an ounce.

I was shocked, confused, and bewildered at what he said.

"Answer Me!" He yelled, making me jump with fright. My heartbeat crazily, what happened to him?

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