31: Breathe

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"Happiness is sought even in the smallest of places."

I was excited before entering my father's mansion, the double doors opened before I could squeal my happiness. Musa laughed at my childish behavior and when I screamed my girl's name out forgetting anyone else as both me and Seema bolted towards each other with a bear hug wanting to crush our bones.

"Seemaaaa!" And I fell into the warmth of her arms, feeling her erratic heartbeat.

"Oh Allah, tell me this is true. Tell me Abdi is marrying you and you're happy?" I gushed shaking her profoundly as she stuttered for words giving a shy look to Musa who stood down the hall with Zahra, he smiled.

"I'll go see how the groom is, probably should give some experienced tips." He winked, making Seema blush more, and I just rolled my eyes, the nerve of him.

I took Seema by the hand leading her to the living room as the house help swept in one by one, greeting and offering me snacks and drinks. I shooed them all away, my best friend needed my attention more than anything right now. As I sipped my orange juice I looked her over making sure she wasn't lying or anything. "Seema, I want to make this the wedding of your life without you thinking awkward things. Baba would have wanted the same for you if had lived. And as for me, it's my Habibti's wedding!" I cheered as she laughed along, poking my side.

"Aww, aren't you all so shy and Gibby?" I teased wondering what Abdi was thinking. I had noticed after I came back from the hospital that he seemed more mature and quiet as if the burden of the company was too much and I was afraid I made them both do things they never wanted. I was going to make it up to them no matter what, and this was my golden chance, a big wedding.

"Tell me, how did that loon propose to you? He didn't have the guts, so how?" I asked, knowing very well how that idiot was.

She sighed, she looked as if she was carrying a burden. She didn't want to share with me and I wanted to ask but couldn't because I knew if she wanted to, she would've already and so I waited. "He came to me one night, in all our years he never crossed that line, but he came knocking on the door and asked if I could spare him a few moments. I let him in and he asked me if I wanted to marry him. I didn't reply." I frowned, Seema, I knew, would've jumped his bones at the proposal. She would've screamed her yes. Then why did she tell me today if this happened days ago?

"When did he ask you, Seema?"

She looked flustered, "Four nights ago."

"Then why are you telling me today?" I asked, confused.

"Because you were in the hospital and we didn't tell Musa because he would've gotten offended or something. It was inappropriate." She flushed slightly.

"Oh!" I was suddenly upset, because of our problems and nonstop visits to the hospital she didn't want to tell us fearing it was a bad time. Since when did things be like? 'Since you got married and put the workload on the little stars.' My conscious mind said making me cringe, what have I done!

"I'm so sorry, Seema. Musa would never have minded he would've been happy for you and as for me. I'm an unfortunate woman, never know when I'll fall down the hole." I shrugged, she didn't seem satisfied with my answer. Musa would've chopped their heads off for getting all excited about their wedding while I was on my deathbed. I had to lie, and she didn't need to know how barbaric he became for me.

"Trust me, Seema, but forget that. I sense something is bothering you, what is it?" I asked, cutting the chase she preferred.

She looked uneasy, and I didn't push just waited. "It's nothing Hoor, I'm happy. It's just that I'm nervous, that's all." She smiled shyly. I knew she won't tell me so I didn't push either.

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