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The next morning I was woken up to the most intoxicating smell ever.

I poke my head out of my covers hearing a melodic hum coming from my kitchen as I stumble out of bed.

Uhh my head is killing me.

"Good morning Queenie, you're ibuprofen is sitting over there." Tristan says pointing to the counter.

He's still dressed in his uniform so I'm guessing he got off work and came right here...which also means he has my damn keys.

Taking the pills I toss my cup in the sink before taking a seat at the breakfast nook.

"What are you making?" I ask laying my head down.

He brings me a platter of fruit cut neatly. "I wanted eggs, toast, and sausage but I got you some fruit."

I was unaware of my diet.

"Um so you cook yourself something and expect me to eat fruit?" I scoff taking a bite of a strawberry.

He sits across from me setting his gun on the table. "Well I didn't know how you're stomach would feel after the uh 'fun' night you had." He grins at me taking the strawberry I was eating popping it in to his mouth.

My heart. He did not just eat my fruit.

"That was mine!" I pout. He laughs which only annoys me more.

Snatching his fork away I scrape his eggs on to my plate eating them all.

Oh my gosh these are so good. I moan closing my eyes.

His eggs are delicious! They're fluffy and have just the right amount of salt, pepper, and cheese.

When I open my eyes again Tristan is eyeing me strangely gripping the edge of my table so hard his knuckles are white.

"Are you okay?" I ask furrowing my eyebrows.

He nods slowly before rising from his chair. He holsters his gun walking to me smoothing his thumb across my chin.

Eyes piercing into mine I try to look everywhere else except for at him.

He bends down to kiss me right on my jawline. "I ran you a bubble bath while you were sleep. The candles are lit go relax."

"Uh um thanks." I say awkwardly smiling up at him.

He grins kissing my neck gingerly. "I just wanted to make sure you were ok before I go to sleep."

"I'm good thanks, you can go. I'm sure you're tired."

He checks his watch nodding,"I am but you were my first priority. "

He's really nice...he must want something.

I frown at him pushing my plate away. "Why do you act like that?"

"Like what?"

"I don't know. You're really friendly so you must want something from me. Let me just start by saying I have nothing to give you so can stop this act and another thing-

My rant is cut short by Tristan capturing my lips. I lose my train of thought and the anger I once felt subsides.

His lips are soft yet firm. They mold perfectly with mine. We pull away from each other breathlessly.

"I am not acting Queenie. The only thing I want from you is your company."

My company? What is he an old man.

"How old are you 75? My company?" I snort rising from my seat placing my dishes in the sink.

He comes up behind me wrapping his arms around my waist. "Sophia I don't want anything from you, I just want you. This isn't a game it's how I genuinely feel."

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