Last Hoorah

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I couldn't stop staring at the beautiful baby I held. Since she's been born she hasn't fallen asleep. She hasn't cried either, but it just seems unusual for a newborn to be this alert.

Ami had us moved from the room I gave birth in to a room in another part of this place. My head was covered so I couldn't see but at this point I don't care. As long as I have Olivia, I don't care.

She furrows her eyebrows studying my sobbing face like she can't understand why I'm crying. I guess she doesn't, but I talk to her like she does anyway.

"Olivia, mommy didn't do a good job keeping you safe. I got too relaxed for a split second and look where that landed us. I don't know what's going to happen next, I don't know if your daddy is going to get here. Just know that I love you, and your daddy loves so much."

She gurgles snuggling closer to my body squeezing the finger she has tighter. "If your daddy could see you ugh he'd be balling his eyes out right now. You're probably going to be the spitting image of him, he wanted a girl so bad. I thought I had him wrapped around my finger, you'll have the man kissing your feet the moment he looks at you."

My heart pangs with sadness thinking of Tristan. He's been through so much already and to add insult to injury he's been betrayed by someone who was sworn to protect me, who was supposed to be the most trustworthy person. It isn't fair, this just isn't fair.

"I'm sorry." A kid, who couldn't be any older than 18 stands in the doorway. He looks distraught and out of place, but I don't trust him.

"What? What do you want?" Glaring at him I wipe my tears aggressively from my face.

He takes a step in shoving his hands deep in his pockets. I'm not scared for me, I'm scared for Ollie. Ami could have changed his mind and decided to kill her.

"I'm uh I... I don't feel like this is right. You're just a woman with a baby. You're not a Were, we shouldn't be using neither one of you as ransom. Shouldn't even have taken you." He confesses kneeling by my bed.

He's got very baby like features, no facial hair. Blonde curly hair and green eyes. His lips are in a permanent pout and his skin has a natural rosy tent to it. Very cherub like.

I still don't trust him but as bad as he feels for me, I feel worse for him. I'm sure he didn't choose to be this way. It must've just been his upbringing, I can't see anybody choosing this.

"You're a Luna correct?"

I nod gently rocking Ollie to get her to at least try and sleep. "Yes."

"So that means your mate will be coming for you?" He asks. He really doesn't seem to know. This poor kid might get killed in this line of business.

"Alpha Tristan yes. He'll be coming for me." He nods somberly looking down at Ollie. "Are you here to take her?" I whisper holding back tears.

His eyes tell the story before he says it, "God no. I'm not even supposed to be here. I was passing by to drop off paperwork but I heard you crying. I couldn't just walk away without knowing you were okay."

He looks ashamed like this was a test and he failed. Maybe it was, but he aced in my book. "Look at me."

When he looks back up tears begin to well in his eyes as his lip quivers, "Don't do that. You didn't put me here, they did. As far as I'm concerned you're the kindest person here, don't let them take that from you."

He blinks back the tears smiling, "I'm going to help you guys get out of here. I swear I won't let you waste away here." With a newfound determination he leaves.

I don't want to get my hopes up, this could be a trick. A trap to make me comfortable with the boy and possibly give up information. On the other hand, man..what I wouldn't give to be free.

Ami that son of bitch, he took my Sophia and Olivia. He's got them in an undisclosed location, until now.
We're so close to this place I can taste the copper of his blood on my mouth. I want to rip his fucking throat out, and any other fucker I see.

We're just a little less than 15 minutes out from finding this Hunter hideout. The further we head into this territory the more anxious my wolf becomes. He wants his Luna back and I'm right there with him.

I can't wait to get her back, to hold her body in my arms and never let go. I'm never going to let her out of my sight, if Ollie's here I'm never going to let her out of my arms. They're my whole world, I'd give anything to have them here with me.

"Alpha, we're going to have to take a detour. A group of hunters are posted up waiting to attack." Derrick informs me.

Nodding we take the trucks off road setting our time of arrival off by a few minutes. I don't have a few minutes to spare.

"Stop the convoy." I order climbing out of my truck. My men follow suit gathering around me waiting on my next command.

"We're going in to the belly of the beast gentlemen. I'm sure they are expecting us to be wolves but fuck that. We're going in with guns. Kill everyone, don't leave a single hunter alive. I'll take care of Ami."

My men load up their guns getting back into trucks following behind me. "Derrick, whatever happens to me. Don't worry, you make sure Soph and the baby are safe and get out alive understood?"

"Yes Alpha."

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