Under New Protection

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The castle -because there is no way this is a house- that Tristan's parents live in is huge!

As we pull up to the medieval looking building two people stand on the steps smiling.

We get out of the car heading up the steps to stand in front of the couple. Tristan is definitely a perfect blend of both parents.

His dad has the blond hair and blue green eyes. But his mom has the full lips and freckles.

"Brother, finally out of hiding I see. Little Sophie, the spitting image of your mother." The man speaks embracing my dad. "I'm Gerry, this is my wife Theresa."

The woman nods at me immediately looking down to my belly frowning but saying nothing.

"It's good to see you my friend, take good care of her." My dad speaks patting his shoulder.

"Wait you don't intend to stay? I know your wife is- I was there but you can't live in hiding forever." Gerry protests grabbing my dad's wrist.

"Brother please atleast stay for dinner it's been years."

My dad shakes his head hugging him one more time, kissing Theresa on the cheek and me on the forehead. "Keep my baby safe, she's all I got."

"Jake, your all she has too. Don't do this."

"Dad where are you going to go?"

He looks at them then to me, "You remember our old hideout? Where I taught you to shoot?"

"Yeah it's-" He holds his hand to my mouth. "If you need me, find me there."

I nod hugging him tightly, "Take care old man."

"Hey, I'm a bad ass. I'm always good, you do the same." My dad jokes getting in his truck driving off.

I'm left standing there with two strangers who are supposed to protect me.

"Little Sophie, let's go inside huh? C'mon."

Gerry grabs my hand leading me in to the house as I pass Theresa her hand brushes my belly a knowing look on her face.

" Little Sophie there is so much we need to discuss. You my dear are in a shit load of danger."

That doesn't sound good at all.

"No worries though, we have assigned our best warrior to protect you. Ami!" Theresa calls, for some strange reason I thought Ami would be a girl. He is a far cry from female.

He isn't as big as Tristan but he's close. He's really cute but he seems very serious. He nods in my direction but says nothing.

"Ami this is Sophia. Your Luna, we are assigning you to protect her from now on."

He looks to me again bowing, "It would be an honor to serve you."

"Uum yeah, thanks. I think." I scratch my head unsure of what to do.

"He'll show you to your room. You look exhausted and I would hate for you to be stressed after the day you're having."

Theresa watches us head up the steps once we're out of earshot of her Ami takes my hand guiding me to a room.

"This is yours, I'm right next door. Get some rest Luna. These next few days are going to be crazy." He's very soft spoken for someone who seems so tough.


"Yes Luna?"

"You can call me Sophia okay?"

"Sure...Sophia." He shuts the door leaving me to be consumed by my sadness.

My dad left me, of course he wouldn't stay. Why would he, being around me reminds him of my mom.

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