Glimmer of Hope

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I couldn't function those next few days knowing Tristan was gone. I hadn't left the room Derrick gave me, barricaded in there so no one would bother me Derrick came by everyday to talk even though I never answered.

That Saturday he'd had enough, breaking through my makeshift barrier he smiles halfheartedly.

"I know you're dealing with a lot Luna but this isn't good for you or the baby."

He's right starving myself hurts my baby as well.

"I want you to clean yourself up, get out of this room and I'm taking you home uuh to the pack house. Gerry and Theresa are worried about you, we all are."

He helps me from the bed guiding me to the bathroom going on and on about what's been happening these past few days.

I'm only half listening more concerned about the movement of my baby, or lack thereof.

"I can do it Derrick thank you." I mumble shutting him out.

"I'll just be in the other room if you need anything."

I nod even though I know he can't see the action.

"Oh and Luna, it's so good to hear your voice again."

I muster up the smallest smile before climbing in the shower.

Dressed and taking cautious steps out of the room Derrick looks up from his book grinning.

"You make pregnancy so beautiful." He breathes.

I wish I felt that way about this whole thing.

He wraps his arm around mine helping me down the steps. "Before we leave you need to eat like right now."

"What do you suggest?"

"Uum would you like pancakes?"

"Sure." Taking a seat on the barstool I jump at the flutter from my baby against my stomach.

Looking down at my belly I burst out laughing. Derrick drops the spatula whipping around to look at me.

I can't stop laughing, "I-It moved!" I squeal in between my laughter.

"Are you sure?" Derrick says skeptically coming to stand by me.

I nod taking his hand pressing it against my belly where I felt the quickening.

It doesn't move making me sigh in sadness,"Maybe next time-oh!"

I gasp as it hits gently beneath Derrick's hand. "I told you!" I giggle.

He pulls away chuckling, "Feisty little fella. Definitely a boy."

I don't care what it is I'm just happy not to be alone. A week and 3 months in and you're developing so fast. I just want to meet you already.

After breakfast we packed up and headed out to Gerry and Theresa.
When we finally got there it was barely lunch time but they had a full spread ready.

Everyone seemed to be walking on eggshells around me. No one out right asked how I was doing but they all seemed to relax once they saw me take a bite of a sandwich.

Ami sat with while Derrick went out to train. "How's the baby?"

"Fine, it moved today."

"Already?" He asks shocked. "Well that's to be expected from an Alpha."

I wouldn't know. I need to find Theresa and ask her about her pregnancy.

"Ami what exactly did you see when you went back?"

He looks down at his hands shaking his head. "Sophia, I don't really want to tell you. It was just so bad."

"Please Ami I need to know." I plead holding his hand.

He sighs looking up at me for reassurance, "When I got there I saw men in all black driving off, I never actually saw a body just a lot of blood from where the car pulled off."

So he could still be alive.

"I know what you're thinking Luna but please don't get your hopes up. If he was in the vehicle chances are they'll kill him if he isn't already dead."

"Ami but what if he isn't dead? We're just sitting ducks waiting for confirmation. Fuck that! We need to find him."

He smiles shaking his head, "Way ahead of you. While you were grieving we sent out search parties to find him or his body."


Ami shrugs slinking in his chair, "Nothing. I'm sure we'll find a clue of his whereabouts."

God I hope so.

"In the mean time, just try to relax. We can handle this."

Basically just be pregnant and stay out of the way. Great.

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