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I couldn't do it, I couldn't leave him. Not yet, I missed this; just being with him.

I laid across his bare chest listening to the steady thump of his heart beat. Looking down at my slightly swollen stomach smiling.

We have a date with the doctor today.

I silently debate with myself on whether I should get up and leave or take Tristan with me.

Well it's the least you could do Sophia, I mean you've only been avoiding for 3 months now.

Anxious and running out of time fast I jump out of bed taking a quick shower and throwing on sweatpants and a hoodie.

Hair tossed in a bun I walk back into my room with Tristan still sound asleep on the bed.

Slipping on my sneakers grabbing my bag Tristan laughs sitting up in the bed. "Queenie you're going to have to be a little more discreet to just waltz out of here."

Huffing I scratch my head smirking, "I didn't know if you uh if you'd like to go with me to my appointment?"

"Of course I want to are you kidding me?" He says sarcastically climbing out of bed.

"Did you eat anything? We should go out for breakfast." He asks from the bathroom.

"We could go out, should I ask Ami to come with us or Derrick?"

"Please I can keep you safe. That's insulting."

When we reach the doctor's office my heart drops to the pit of my stomach. I haven't been this nervous since I found out I was pregnant.

"Queenie everything will be okay. It's just a check up." Tristan whispers in my ear kissing my temple.

"Sophia Parker." The nurse calls looking up from her clipboard.

Taking Tristan's hand he squeezes it reassuringly as we walk back through those double doors to the room.

The doctor comes in her red hair falling in curls over her shoulder. She's a very beautiful woman with the greenest eyes I've ever seen.

"Hi I'm doctor Hannah." We shake hands smiling. "Alpha Tristan you've gotta take better care of her. 3 months in and no Doctor visits?" She scolds.

"Trust me I didn't plan on having our first visit be 3 months in." He grumbles.

After going through the usual questions I lay back on the examination chair with my shirt up.

"So when do I find out the sex of my baby?" I ask gasping at the cold gel being oozed on my stomach.

"Well right now if you like."

Dr. Hannah finds the baby's heartbeat and I have never wanted to cry so hard in my life. My heart swells with joy at the faint pitter patter of my baby.

"Let me see if I can get a visual."

Turning on the monitor right before our eyes it comes into view. "There's our baby. It's soo tiny." I whisper in awe.

"I know you guys wanted a know the sex but it seems your baby is giving us its ass to kiss." Dr. Hannah says laughing.

Of course my baby would be a smart ass and have their butt up.

We get ultrasound pictures and promise to be back even though I probably won't be returning.

The drive back Tristan talked and talked about how excited he is to be a dad. "Queenie, I've never wanted anything more than to have a little me running around."

I smile rubbing my belly.

"Soph this is going to be harder than I thought now having seen the baby and heard her heartbeat."

I hope it is girl since he wants one so bad.

"I know Tristan, it's hard for me too. Trust me I don't want to do this without you."

"When our baby comes, you won't have to Queenie. I promise."

Tristan helps me from the car that same silly smile plastered across his face.


He shakes his, "You are just so damn beautiful."

I grin kissing his cheek, "Well I'm about to get real ugly if we don't get something to eat soon."

We laugh walking into the diner immediately getting a booth in the back away from the crowd.

I can't help but to feel a slight uneasiness come over me.

Tristan quickly picks up on it taking hold of my hand. "Relax Queenie, I'm right here with you."

I nod squeezing his hand. He smiles reassuringly before picking up a menu totally engulfed in its list of foods.

Our waiter comes around shaking like a leaf, as if they're scared.

Tristan squints his eyes up at the nervous waiter but before he can say anything the waiter throws down their note pad.

Bending to pick it up he whispers to me, "They're coming for you. Don't trust anyone."

"Who? Don't trust who? Who's coming?" I sputter.

He shakes his head, "You and Alpha need to leave right now. I- I wasn't supposed to say anything but I, You, You're pregnant and I can't do this." The waiter darts away leaving me dumbfounded.

"Let's go." Tristan whispers leading me out of the restaurant.

"Here take my keys and drive to my parents."

Dropping them in my hands I frown looking up at him. His eyes are glowing gold and his teeth are beginning to protrude.

"No come with me, I'm not leaving you here."

"Queenie listen you are my first priority, Ami will meet you half way OK but you have to go right now."

He pulls me in for a hug kissing my temple. I don't let go of him right away on the verge of tears.

I don't want to leave him, what if this is it? What if I never see him again?

"Sophia baby, please." He begs kissing all over my face. "You can't stay here any longer. Get in the car and go."

"But what about you? I don't want to lose you. Come with me please." I beg.

He shakes his head pushing me in the car shutting the door. "Go on Queenie, I'll catch up."


"Baby I swear, I'll be right behind you."

He's lying.

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