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Packed up and ready to go Tristan comes bounding down the steps with our last luggage. I am damn near drooling over this man in all his muscular glory. He's practically ripping out of his tightly fit torquoise T-shirt.

"Yeah you can go back and change that shirt." He chuckles at my comment flexing his muscles. "All for you Queenie."

What I'd do to him right now, good lord.

"Sophia keep it up and we won't be going anywhere today." He warns leaving to pack up the car.

"Get out of my head!" I call biting my nails. "Nosy."

The plan is to go back to Gerry and Theresa's place. Get shit handled, have my baby shower. Drop this baby soon and live happily ever after. Will it happen like that? Probably not, just wishful thinking.

"Three more months Ollie then you're out of here baby. Eviction notice coming soon, so let's speed it up huh?" She kicks like she's overjoyed to get out. The feeling is mutual sister, I'm just as happy as you are.

"Ready Soph?" Derrick helps me from the couch handing me a water bottle and a bag of kale chips, which for some odd reason I'm addicted to.

I don't even like kale.

We'd talked to my dad about coming with us but he wouldn't budge. He promised to show up when the baby is born and that was good enough for me.

He did say that we could take one of his trucks so there'd be no worrying about people looking for Tristan or me. It would make it easier for us to get home without running in to bullshit.

"Remember when we get back play it cool. Don't let on that we're on to Ami. He can't know I'm going to take him out, you can't act differently towards him. Derrick, Queenie, got it?"

"Yeah." We say hesitantly in unison. I I don't like this plan at all. I say we go in and rip him a new one but of course it's not up to me.

"Sophia I'm serious. You have to act like nothing has changed." I cross my arms glaring at the trees passing by. "Fine, for you and Ollie I'll play nice. Just know that I don't like this."

"Thank you baby. If we go in there acting crazy we don't know what might happen. Ami could have hunters at his beck and call. I don't want to risk hurting the pack for one man."

Him saying that puts things in perspective for me. Tristan cares for the well being of his pack. He wants to protect all of us and can't do that if he doesn't know what we're up against. I get it.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I grumble.

"You're upset?"

"Well yeah but it's whatever. I trust you're judgment so I'll get over it."

He chuckles reaching over to grab my hand kissing it, "It'll make sense to you when we get there. Rest, we still have a few hours to go."

I slept the whole way there, when we pulled up to Gerry and Theresa's I was too tired to even get out of the truck. Tristan carried me inside earning a lot of gasps and cheers of joy. Everyone is overjoyed to have their Alpha back.

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