Chapter Eight: Hunter

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Hunter rubbed her eyes then yawned shivering as she adjusted the plane's seat to an upright position. The Organization's private jet was more than comfortable and the second she laid back, she had fallen right to sleep. On any given day, a direct flight from San Francisco to Foster Montana took two hours in good weather. Joe was afraid Jeric's men would try to take the plane in midair, so they took an indirect route. She had slept the entire ten hours they were in the air. Joe had tried to wake her to eat but she had just muttered to be left alone and went back to sleep.

She looked out the window and her eyes went wide. As far as the eye could see, a world covered in white was laid out before her.

'What the hell?' she asked confused 'Is that snow?'

'Yes.' Joe chuckled. 'It is winter time you know. It snows in the winter.' Hunter glared at him.

'I have lived in southern California most of my life smart ass. When is the last time you heard of it snowing in Frisco?'

'Point taken.' He chuckled then he frowned concerned. 'You know, you're right. It did not even register at all you would not be prepared for the climate here. I am sorry. This whole thing happened faster than I am used to.'

'Yeah,' Hunter agreed with a sigh. 'It did kind of just get dumped on both of us didn't it?' Joe nodded. 'I have no experience with snow at all. I have read about it and seen it on TV but never been in it or around it. Even when we went to Japan, it was only in the spring and summer.'

'Well, first off we need to get you some good winter clothes. Your jeans are good, but we need to get you some good boots and thick sweaters. I am not sure how your work with extreme heat will prepare you for what's waiting outside. I will see if we have an extra coat in the back for you.' He stood and went into the back. Hunter shook her head and unfastened her seat belt. She stood groaning. Every muscle in her body was stiff and sore. She did a few stretches to ease the stiffness. Joe returned wearing a thick coat. He handed her one. 'Try that. We will stop at a store in town and get you geared up with proper clothing and outerwear before we head to the base.'

'Thanks.' She put it on and zipped it up. It was bulkier than she was used to but did not complain. Joe opened the door and Hunter was hit with a freezing cold air that momentary took her breath away. 'Shit!' she stuffed her hands into her pockets as the cold penetrated down to her core. 'People live in this stuff willingly?' Joe smiled and motioned her to go down the stairs. She sighed but did.

There was a man standing by a black SUV near the plane. He was as tall as her six foot two frame and she could tell how he moved, he was a fighter of some sort. His hair was black and cut short and neat styled. His easy smile carried to his honey brown eyes. What Hunter could see of his skin was a rich olive color making her think he had an Italian heritage.

'Joe, welcome home.' The man said with what she recognized as a New York accent. He smiled to Hunter. 'You must be Hunter. I am Samuel Gallo. Joe's second in command. You can call me Sam.' He offered his bare hand, but Hunter did not take it. Joe smiled.

'In the car Sam.' He told the confused man 'Hunter has lived in California her whole life. She isn't used to the cold.' Sam blushed

'Oh man,' he said opening the door. 'Sorry, I didn't even think of that. Get in, the heat is on.' Hunter nodded her thanks. She was shivering too much to answer. She got into the back of the SUV and Sam closed the door. He climbed into the driver's seat and Joe took the passenger's seat.

'Stop at Walton's clothing store Sam. We need to get Hunter some warmer clothes.' Joe said cranking the heat to max. 'Is everything at base setup?'

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