Chapter Thirty-one: Hunter

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As it turned out, the two understood and supported her. Hunter helped them both take their supplies to the shop and set up. Harry was happy to watch Justin at work with the silver. The boy was showing some real skill in smithing.

Hunter closed herself in her forge all day coming out to eat and sleep. Ty was worried but she would just kiss him and smile then vanish back into the forge. Her second week at work, she received what she needed from her supplier in Japan. By the third week, she finished. She came out of the forge with a tired smile on her face. Ty and Joe were talking on the couch.

'That's a good smile.' Ty said amused.

'I'm done.' He flinched. 'Want to see?'

'Only for the last three weeks.' He said standing. Joe stood as well but paused frowning.

What happened to your hands?' She looked to the several bandages on her fingers and a big one on the palm of her left hand. She shrugged

'This new stuff is sharp.' She told him unconcerned. She motioned them to follow her as she headed for the forge. The two followed her through the door. She had something by the door covered with a sheet.

'This is for missions, but also so Ty doesn't worry about me so much.' Hunter said with a smile. She pulled the sheet away and both men's eyes went wide in shock. A full set of samurai armor complete with helmet and mask was on a stand. 'I contacted the leather workers at the Rice Mountain School in Japan. It's where I took my oath as a samurai. I reinforced the outside with black steel scale plates for easy repair.' Joe shook his head amazed.

'My god Hunter, if you come at people wearing this, will not need to use your sword. It will give them a heart attack.' Hunter nodded grinning. Ty touched a black silk sheet stretched over the breastplate. It had a crimson kanji on it.

'This is Takeda isn't it?' he asked Hunter. She nodded.

'It is a battle standard. Its tradition to wear your clan name into battle. It is believed that when you do, then your ancestors fight with you and keep you safe. It will go on the inside when I wear the armor.' He nodded 'Turn it over and you will find the Maruyama kanji.'

'Why is that?' Joe asked confused as he watched Ty turn the banner over.

'My father started it.' Hunter told them studying the banner. 'He always said he was Takeda on the outside, but Maruyama on the inside so he kept the Maruyama kanji next to his heart.' She frowned down to the Kanji. 'Before his death, he was working to clear the Maruyama's name. There are still parts of Japan where they will imprison you if you claim Maruyama ancestry.' Ty shook his head putting the banner back.

'This armor is beautiful.' Ty told her giving her a light kiss. 'Well worth the wait.' He looked over the armor in awe. He then grinned and his eyes lit with mischief. 'Oh god, you have to put it on.' She frowned confused. 'Remember when Sam scared the shit out of you a few months ago?' Hunter grinned wide. Joe chuckled but helped her put the armor on.

'How's it feel?' Joe asked. Hunter moved around using slow movements at first, then pulled her sword and did several fast drills that included jumps and kicks. 'Wow, I wouldn't think you could move like that with such heavy armor, but it's not restricting you at all.'

'No, it feels good. The helmet is a little loose, but I designed it to be worn with a head set. Once I get one on it will fit snug.' She told them. Ty called Sam and asked him to come to the room. Hunter killed all the lights in the forge leaving a small flame in the fire pit. She vanished in the low light.

'Ty?' Sam called 'Hunter?' he entered the forge and Hunter step into the light. His eyes went wide and he screamed pulling his gun. Hunter held up her empty hands but he emptied the clip into her chest plate. The lights came on and Joe grabbed the gun from Sam stopping him from reloading. He looked to Hunter panicked just to find her bent over clutching her stomach laughing hard.

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