Chapter Sixty-Three:

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When Hunter woke, she found herself in the medical area of the base. The room was larger than the normal recovery rooms. One look around and she could understand why. The whole team was in the room. Ty was in a bed to her left, and Kedo in the bed to her right. Both were awake and the heads of their beds were up.

'Hey love.' Ty greeted. She made to reach for him but her arm was strapped to her chest. Jackson went to her and raised the head of her bed.

'How long have I been out?' she asked confused.

'About twelve hours.' Ty said. 'Joe said you blew a fuse when the ass holes that charged into our business showed up. Your shoulder had to be put back before you damaged it worse, so they had to slip you some strong stuff.' Hunter nodded then frowned to Jackson.

'What the hell happened Cap?' She asked confused

'I do not know yet.' He replied. 'Joe has us all isolated to this room until he can talk to us.' Hunter nodded and looked to Ty. He was pale and his chest looked awful.

'Okay?' She asked worried. He nodded.

'Just some bruised ribs and a nasty headache.' He assured her. She looked to Kedo then.

'You okay?' she asked seeing the welt from before had turned into a massive bruise.

'Yeah. Just sore and a little pissed.' He replied with a frown. 'We would all be dead right now if not for that armor you guys made us.' Hunter nodded her agreement and looked back to Ty. He was frowning, but not looking at her. She followed his gaze to the window next to the door.

Joe and Sam were standing on the other side. Both were yelling at Tray. Amy joined the three and said one word stopping the argument. Whatever it was she said to Tray next, made his eyes narrow in rage. He turned and left without another word. The three spoke for a moment, then Amy left them. Joe and Sam came in frowning.

'Hello everyone.' Joe greeted sounding angry. 'I am sorry it took so long. We had some complications trying to figure out what the hell happened.' The two sat down with the others. Joe looked to Hunter. 'How are you feeling Hunter?' she shook her head.

'Don't know Joe. Numb, confused, bit pissed off. It is all a big jumble right now.' He nodded sighing.

'You all have every right to be angry. There is no reason for any of this to have gone down as it did. The iceman squad is a green team. Captain Corinth had just been awarded the team. Corinth had never worked with a DSR team before that, and did not know how they worked. He and his second ordered the attack when they saw team two draw so much heat. He did not bother to radio in and ask for permission to assist or stop and assess the situation.

'Because he is an inexperienced rookie Captain, he would have just been reprimanded for the mistake. Unfortunately for him, twenty innocents were killed, and three DSR team members were wounded. He has been relieved of his squad and title.'

'The iceman squad is being broken up and dispersed to other teams.' Sam told them 'Full details of this mission have been added to your records, so none will think the loss of life had anything to do with you. We saw the footage from both of the Hongs gun cams. Team one did everything in their power to save as many lives as they could. Team two did not hesitate to come in for the assist as soon as things went wrong, even though they were under fire and one of their numbers were hurt.'

'The iceman squad managed to do something right.' Joe said. 'It is the only thing that saved their Captain from being fired. They brought in the Kovrovs alive.' Joe blushed when Sam snorted in laughter. Hunter frowned confused. Joe cleared his throat. 'They um, were not running a chemical weapons plant as we feared. Their prisoners were test subjects, for their products as Taki reported.' Joe rubbed his eyes shaking his head.

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