Chapter ThirtyTwo: Hunter

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Hunter sat with Hackman and Jumper. All three were working on her helmet and facemask. Ty entered with Sam and shook his head seeing the three at work.

'I see you are resting like Doc and Lambert told you too.' He chuckled. Hunter motioned them over to see what they were doing. 'What the,' Ty said surprised seeing all the wires and small monitors.

'We are wiring her mask to be a camera on the outside,' Hackman explained 'and monitors on the inside. It will give her full 360 degree vision and no more blind spots.' Sam leaned in close and frowned.

'What about impact protection?' He asked concerned. Hunter picked up a dark red foam pad handing it to him.

'It's the latest tech out of the labs. It will absorb the impact a hundred times better than what I was using. Even better, it will take about a hundred pounds off my armor.' She told him. 'I took the old padding out this morning and will put in the new stuff once I fix my back plate.' She looked to Ty who looked as excited as she felt about the upgrade. He grinned at her.

'Modern samurai. Very sexy.' He wiggled his eyebrows at her. She grinned

'Want me to wear my helmet to bed tonight?' She offered unable to keep a straight face. Sam shook his head straightening.

'Oh boy.' He said. 'Did not need that visual, I am out of here.' He turned around and left the room making Ty and Hunter laugh.

'Lightweight.' Ty called after him. He sat next to Hunter. 'How is your back feeling?' he asked rubbing her back with light pressure where he knew it bothered her the most.

'Keep doing that and it will be just fine.' She chuckled. He smiled and kept rubbing as he watched the three work. Once all of the wires were hooked up, Hunter and Ty packed the padding in.

'What's the black padding there?' he asked frowning at the two quarter sized pads.

'Speakers.' Jumper said. We built her headset and a tracker into the helmet. She has a microphone on the faceplate. This will assure what happened back on her first mission, never happens again.'

'We put trackers in every bit of her armor' Hackman said. 'Even her weapons.'

'That was my idea.' Hunter said securing the padding. 'I worry on every mission I will somehow lose Justice. She is a part of me now, and if I lost her, it would be like losing a body part. Now I no longer need to worry. Thanks to these two, I will always be able to find her.' Ty nodded his agreement.

'Speaking of trackers,' Ty said with a frown. 'Joe said something about your new tracking chip.' Hunter nodded.

'They replaced the one Jeric removed, then put in a backup behind my knee just in case.' She told him moving her leg to the side. He saw a mark on the outside of her knee where she had gotten a shot.

'Good.' He then chuckled. 'I hope Jeric comes for you again. I bet he can make an even funnier face then Sam did when he sees you in your armor.' Hunter chuckled and pressed a button on the inside of the helm. The screens lit up coming to life. Hunter put the helm on and did a quick scan of the room. She was amazed at how well she could see. She looked at Ty 'Sweet.' She said stunned when his stats popped up on the display screen.

'You like that?' Hackman asked 'Jumper and I wiped up a microprocessor and motherboard to fit into the,'

'English' Ty chuckled cutting him off. Hackman smiled.

'Sorry dude, it's got a super powerful computer with facial recognition that can give you the stats on anyone in the Organization database.'

'One problem.' Jumper said frowning. 'Battery life. At full power, it will last about an hour. Twice that at minimal settings. The camera itself has its own power so if the computer power dies, you will still have full vision.'

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