Chapter 38

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After I left Harry I went by the studio to do my two classes and afterwards I had to work at the bookstore. When i walk inside I see a new boy behind the counter. He is a nice looking lad with dark brown hair that is perfectly quiffed and green eyes similar to Harry's.

"Hi," I say.

"Oh hi girl you must be Sunflower," he says.

"I am and you are?"

"Layne. Layne Cole I just started to work here," he says.

"Last week," I ask.

"Yes you were away on vacation to my knowledge and I was told I would meet you upon your return." 

"Well I have returned," I say.

"Honey who is your hair dresser?" He asks.

"Oh I have never had anything done to my hair except for a friends wedding once and they just braided my hair," I tell him.

"Well your hair is fabulous. So thick and luminous," he tells me. I think Layne may be a little fruity but I'm afraid to ask.

"Thank you I love your highlights," I compliment him.

"Thanks darling. Now while I do love your beautiful skin your hickeys are showing," he tells me.

"Sorry my boyfriend left town this morning so we made the most of last night," I tell him and wink.

"I completely understand. I was dating this guy once who wanted to put hickeys on me all the time," he says. I knew he was gay. This is perfect I've always wanted a gay friend.

"I hope this isn't offensive but I've always wanted a gay friend," I say and giggle.

"Oh honey I'm not gay," he says with a serious face.

"Oh my god I'm so Sor-"

"Bitch shut up I love dick," he says and laughs loudly. I join in with him.

"So can you do your job please and show me what I'm supposed to be doing," he says sarcastically and I roll my eyes at him.

"Come on I'll see if I know enough to teach you anything," I say.

"Your boyfriend is so hot," Layne says.

"Thanks," I tell him. We are now at my apartment eating Chinese food and drinking wine. My cellphone rings and a picture of Harry shirtless laying below me shows up.

"Oh why didn't you show me that picture," he says.

"Back off he's mine," I say.

"Hello," I say into the phone. Layne clicks it onto speaker.

"Hey baby," Harry's voice rasps.

"How are you my love," I ask and giggle.

"Good I just got out of a boring meeting," Harry says.

"My poor baby had to work all day. It's late here."

"I know what are you doing still up and are you drunk," he asks. Shit.

"I made a friend at work today.

"Flower answer the question," he says.

"Just a bit tipsy baby. I'm hanging out with my friend."

"Elaborate," he says.

"This new guy started working in the bookstore today and we are friends now," I tell him.

"Guy," Harry snaps.

"Yeah his names Layne," I say.

"Hi Harry," Layne says. "I'm Flowers new gay guy friend." I die laughing when he says this.

"Oh that's acceptable," harry says.

"You're so barbaric," I tell him.

"Nope I'm just very good with sharing what's mine," he says.

"As am I Styles remember that while you're 10,000 miles away. I'll take daddy's jet down there I fuck your shit up," I tell him.

"Daddy doesn't have a jet," Harry says I can hear the smirk in his voice. My eyes widen as do laynes.

"My daddy does," I tell him.

"If you guys are using phone sex referencing just tell me and I'll go," Layne says.

"No I'm gonna go I have to get some rest," Harry says.

"Okay sleep well my love," I tell him.

"Laters baby."

"Laters daddy," I say. I hang up the phone and turn to Layne.

"Bitch omg you did not tell me he was a Brit. You lucky fucker," he says.

"Thanks," I say and flip my hair.

"You make me sick," he says. "Can I stay the night I'm super drunk?"

"Already sleeping over on the first date. You move fast," I say. "You can sleep with me since I don't know if my brother will be back."

"You little slut. I don't know if you know this or not, but I'm gay," he says and we both die laughing. Layne and I lay in bed cuddled up to each other.

"You're my new best friend Layne," I tell him as I doze off.

"You're my best friend Flower," is the last thing I hear before I doze off

"And girls they wanna have fu- un ohhhhh uhhhhh girls just want have fun," Layne sings in a beautiful voice.

"That's all they really waaaaaasnnnnntttuuhhh, is some fuuuuuuuuunnnn when the working day is done. Oh uhhhh girls they wanna have fun," he sings and I harmonize as I enter the kitchen.

"Oh sorry did I wake you," Layne says.

"Yes with your beautiful singing," I say.

"Thanks I'm a theater and arts major," he says.

"Of course you are," I tease.

"Let's not forget the harmonizing you added in," he says.

"I'm okay I guess," I say.

"You're brilliant," he tells me.

"Thanks love. If you think I'm good you should hear Harry sing," I tell him.

"Of course he can sing what can this guy not do," he says sarcastically.

"I have no idea he sings, dances, plays piano and guitar, and I'm sure there are other things," I tell him.

"I bet he can do other things," he says and moves his eyebrows seductively.

"Shut up," I say to him.

"So I've got class in thirty. I'm gonna go home and hangs here is your breakfast," he says handing me a vegetable omelet.

"Thanks love, but if you want I can get you something of Harry's so you won't be late," I say.

"Thanks honey but I'm a lot smaller than Harry so I'm gonna head out now, but I'll call you later so we can make some weekend plans," he says.

*short chapter*

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