The first encounter

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"I'll be round soon" you explain to Pete, your best friend of 10 years.
"Hurry (Y/N), everyone will be here soon!" He panics to you down the phone. Whenever Pete organises a party or a get together the tradition is you are there first, and the spare bedroom is yours for the night.
You add the finishing touches to your makeup and head for the door; you only live three blocks away so you walk along in a steady pace.
You get to Pete's and let yourself in (after all, 10 years is nothing if it ain't friendship!). As you walk into the living room you find Pete cautiously flicking through the music channels to set the scene. He lifts his head to you and smiles.
"Hey dork" he says as he eyes you up and down "I see you didn't bother getting changed" he joked.
"And I see you washed your face with ugly soap" you both chuckled.
"I've cleaned your room so you don't need to go all nuts". You have OCD tendencies and Pete knows you can't sleep in a messy environment.
"Thanks. So... who's coming?" You are eager to know who you'll be mixing with tonight.
"Everyone (Y/N)! My drinking buddy's, my old flat mates, that weird girl we both know with the nose? Dancing dude. My band." He tells you.
"Cool. Any cuties I should know of?"
"Uh.." the expression on his face changes to somewhat a conspiracy and you can't help but feel like he's planning something. "Uh.. Uhm.. No not really (Y/N).
"Hmm. Fine. Let's get cracking!"

An hour later and Pete's flat is bouncing in every corner. You are in the kitchen chatting with Joe; one of the dudes from Pete's band. You've only met them a handful of times as you used to work unsociable hours, so you always missed their gigs. You felt bad about it but they understood. Now you had a proper job you intended in getting to know them.
"Ahhh no way man! I always took you as a Britney Spears kinda girl!" Joe confessed to you.
"Dude I am insulted! I mean some of her songs, ok cool, but DUDE!" he laughs so hard he coughs as he takes a sip of his drink.
"Prove yourself (Y/N)!" He says, "come to our next band practise and you can be our number 1 groupie" he continued.
"Hahaha! I'm down with that but I ain't sleeping with any of you!" You answered his demand.
"That's fair but never say never" he laughs. You continue to have a great time with Joe when you both hear a commotion coming from the living room. You shrug your shoulders and head through to see what's happening; everyone is cheering, clapping hands, dancing... Pete is centred in the room with his guitar jamming out to a song that sounded so familiar. Your eyes glanced to the guy beside him; like the song he looked so familiar and you couldn't quite place him. At 5"4 he wasn't the tallest, but what he lacked in height he made up for in beauty. He wore a fedora which you thought really complimented his already perfect face. You found it hard to breathe a little as you continued watching him; and suddenly he started to sing as Pete played the song.
"Am I more than you bargained for yet" the beauty's voice sang, his voice as beautiful as he is. The words hit you like a tonne of bricks as your sub - conscious fought with you to try and remember what song this was. Is this Pete's band? You thought to yourself. There's no way... that guy... He doesn't look how you remember... is that Patrick Stump?

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