You're In My Veins

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Pete made a lot of effort to make sure you were comfortable. He wanted to give up his bedroom for you, but you insisted on taking "your room" which is always the room you stay in.
You pottered around, placing things around the room to make it more homely, but without the constant reminders of Patrick; although he was all that was on your mind.
You slid into your pajamas and sat on the bed, listening to music, sipping a Jack Daniels and coke, and being alone with your thoughts. Pete knew to leave you to it.

It wasnt long before you felt yourself becoming more sad, and longing for Patrick. Tears flowed from your eyes and travelled down your cheeks, dropping on the bed. You opened up your phone and searched for Patrick's number. You left it open, staring at his name, crying and stroking your arm.
It was too soon. You couldnt bring yourself to do it. What would you even say? I love you but you hurt me, you're in my veins you fuck? Some hours had passed and you eventually stopped crying, but you figured this was because you intentionally dehydrated yourself, so you physically couldnt produce anymore tears. You were exhuasted. It was hard work being this heart broken.

You dosed in and out of sleep for a while and decided it was no use, you went downstairs.

You hadnt realised the time either, and Pete was already up, drinking coffee and playing xbox.

"Hey creep" he greeted you as you walked through the door, never taking his eyes from the screen
"Hey" was all you could muster
"Sleep like shit?" he asked, knowing the answer
"Absolutely" you sighed as you plumped onto the sofa next to him. "Have you heard from him?"
"Yeah" he was reluctant to tell you the details
"How is he?" you were eager to know
"He's been better" he answered, eyes still glued to the screen. You gazed into thin air, missing him.

"You're going to marry him, (Y/N)?" Pete asked, catching you off guard.
"Is that him or you asking?" you enquired
"Me. Because I set you guys up for a reason and I'd hate to see you not being with your soulmate, for one mistake he made." he stopped his game and turned around to raise his eyebrow at you, then continued playing.
You sat in silence, thinking about everything that has happened and been said over the last couple of days. You knew you loved him, and that he loved you, but your mind was in too much suffering to think far ahead into the future.

You stood up and toddled to the kitchen to grab a Jack Daniels, and headed upstairs.

"Whoah it's not even 10am!" Pete yelled as you walked past him
"It's 10pm somewhere" you muttered, sipping, not looking back for his reaction.

You sat on the bed, repeating your actions from the night before.
You opened up your bag and pulled out a t-shirt; it was Patrick's, the one that smells of him and the one you sleep in sometimes. You held it close to your chest and lay back, closing your eyes to try and catch some sleep, but all you could see was Patrick. Warm tears fell from your eyes, you missed him.

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