He's In A Short Dark Jacket Tonight

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You were lying in bed, drinking hot chocolate, and flicking through the movie channels.

You pressed the home button on your mobile to check the time; 10:45pm.

You hadn't heard from Patrick since his last text hours ago. You weren't even sure what time he finished work, and you were pretty sure it was probably too late at night to see him now.
You sighed as you re-read his last text, sipping the last of your hot chocolate and turning off the light.
As you lay in the dark, you realised how tired you were as you quickly drifted to sleep.

* Patrick's POV *

"Ugh... No!" I felt all groggy. I can't believe I fell asleep on the sofa! What time is it even?! It can't be that  late, I only got home at 9! I glanced at my watch - it read 10:20pm. Ah shit.
I scurried up stairs and took a quick shower. I grabbed the closest aftershave - Jean Paul Gaultier - splashed some on and threw on my dark skinny jeans, my faded denim shirt, and my leather jacket.

I checked the time again as I got into my car, it was 10:45pm. God, I hope (Y/N) is still up.

I stopped by the convenience store on the way to her house. I got there just in time before they closed. I purchased a small box of chocolates, accompanied with a soft artificial rose (they are much better, they don't die....) I knew I'd crash when I got home, but I felt so awful. I really want to see her.
I continued the drive to her house and parked outside her door. I checked the time again, 11pm.

I looked to her windows searching for lights in the hope she was still awake. Nothing.
I picked up my phone and began dialling her number, grabbing the gifts and getting out of the car to start walking towards her front door.

* Back to third person *

You almost somersaulted out of the bed as you felt the vibration of your mobile against your arm.
You blinked furiously trying to adjust to the brightness of the screen before you answered the incoming call.

"Hello?" you answered, woozy and forgetting to check the caller ID.
"Oh my god, hey sugar, I'm so sorry!" you heard Patrick's voice, apologetic and sincere.
"Hey you" you smiled with your words "don't be sorry"
"No I am. I'm so sorry. I crashed when I got home. Did I wake you?" he asked
"Nahhh" you lied
"You're a terrible liar, (Y/N)." he paused "I really wanted to see you tonight". You wanted to see him too, even if it meant getting out of bed after falling asleep. He'd been on your mind all day.
"I know. I wanted to see you too." you confessed to him as you looked to the floor, rubbing your arm with your hand. Your head darted to the bedroom door when you heard a knock coming from the front door outside.
"Oh" you said as you curiously made your way downstairs. "Can I call you back? there's someone at my door" you told him, confused and wondering who it would be at this hour.
"Of course. I'm waiting." he said as he hung up.

You unlocked the front door and tried to get a glimpse of who it was before you opened it.
The first thing you saw was an adorable artificial rose, and a box of chocolates.
Your eyes travelled from the rose, to the face.
"PATRICK?!" you yelled, your eyes widened with shock and awe. He smiled and tilted his head.
"Hey sugar" he barely got the words out - you pounced on him, kissing him lovingly, wrapping your arms around him and embracing his scent. The kiss came to a natural stop.
"So you're glad to see me then?" Patrick asked, chuckling, rubbing your back.
"Yeah it seems that way" you smiled and gestured for him to come inside. He handed you the rose and the chocolates, kissing your cheek.
"Thank you cutie. These are amazing!" you thanked him whole heartedly. He smiled, looking you up and down, eyeing your Thor pajama shorts, and inspecting your legs.
"No problem" he smiled, removing his jacket. You hung it on the rail and locked the front door.
"Do you want anything? tea? milk? something to eat?" you enquired his needs
"No, no, I'm fine. Thank you. Just you will do." he smiled, his statement making you blush.
"Alright then" you smiled, and paused. "Well... I was clearly in bed, so... uh... without sounding... forward?" you struggled to say what you meant.
"Bedtime?" he asked, helping your attempt at offering your bed to cuddle and sleep. You nervously laughed. "Yeahh" you said as you rubbed the back of your neck. He nodded, smiling.

You gestured with your hand for him to lead the way up stairs, advising him of which room was your bedroom. It was at that moment you realised why you were nervous; this was the first time Patrick had been to your house. You're laying in bed together before he's even seen your livingroom! you thought to yourself, hoping Patrick wouldn't mind heading straight for the bedroom first.
You crept under the covers and curled up into a ball, waiting for Patrick to remove his jeans and shirt to join you in the toasty warmth of the fabric.
You felt his cold fingers against your hip as he crawled into bed next to you, and cuddled your body.
You kissed him delicately, feeling his soft lips against yours, clutching onto him with lust.

"I can't believe you came over" you whispered to him, pinching his shoulder.
"I wanted to be with you" his face was serious. His eyes wandered from your lips to your eyes.

You held the stare, looking into his beautiful blue's, losing yourself in them.
Deeper and deeper. Oh boy.

* How would you like to see this story go from here?
More characters or more of Pete? More fluff? Less fluff? More smut? A tragedy seperating you from Patrick? A proposal?  some feedback pleaseeeee :) *

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