Stop, Breathe, Count to 3

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You lifted your head from the damp pillow below you; drowned in your tears.
Apparently you cried yourself into a sleep. You didn't remember trying to sleep, all you remembered was your own waterfall of hurt tears.

You looked to the bedside cabinet to your right, where there was a tray of food, a rose, and a letter. You stretched your arm across and grabbed the letter, peeling open to read its contents.

"I didn't want to wake you, please eat. I'm sorry and I love you xx"

You felt numb as the words of the letter resounded in your head, together in a montage with the words "I'm married".  You never thought you'd find someone you loved enough to want to be with for the rest of your life; this felt like it was all too good to be true.
You wanted to see Patrick but you couldn't handle seeing his face quite yet. Your mixed bag of emotions were escalating and seeing him would only add fuel to the fire. Even being in your bedroom tore at your heart strings, everything reminded you of him.

You lay the letter down beside the sandwich's Patrick had prepared for you, you had no intention of eating anytime soon.
As you stood up to walk towards the door you heard Pete's voice coming from downstairs. You stood in the shadows of the doorway, eagerly listening.

"Dude, I know. It's going to suck but it'll be for the best. Time and space will help." you heard Pete say, presumably to Patrick.

"I guess. She will only be next door, but still. She's my fiance. At least I hope she still is" you heard Patrick respond, his voice shaky and broken. "I love her so much" he hushed.

You had heard enough and continued to walk downstairs. You heard Patrick and Pete shuffling as they heard your movements. You entered the living room.

"Hey creep." Pete greeted you and took a step forward. "Listen..." he began to speak as your eyes wandered to Patrick, who was standing with his hand over his face and looking distraught.
"I think its best Patrick stays with me for a few nights, give you guys a little breathing space." he told you, his plans were already sussed out and ready to follow through.
You broke your stare from Patrick and looked into Pete's eyes.
He looked confused. You felt Patrick's eyes looking at your direction.
"No. Patrick stays, I'll go. It's me with the problem so he shouldn't have to leave his home." you told Pete before closing your eyes.
"Baby its ok" Patrick started
"No, its not." you opened your eyes and glanced at Patrick. "You stay, and I'll be home soon." you stepped forward and gently kissed Patrick on the cheek before heading up the stairs to pack some clothes.

You gripped the note Patrick wrote you earlier, wishing you could forgive and forget right away. You used all your strength to fight the tears from falling down your face, as you wrote a reply in red ink,

"I love you"

You left the note on his pillow and walked out the room, emotional and frantic.

Patrick and Pete met you at the bottom of the stairs.
You knew this would be the last time you saw your fiance for a few days; the longest you will have been apart. Pete opened the front door and stepped outside, leaving you to have a moment with Patrick. He took a hold of your hand, gently and softly squeezing, just enough to let you know he understands why you need the space.
He looked up at you, eyes misty.

"Call me or something" he muttered, not sure of his own words. You nodded in response.
Nervously he pulled you closer for a hug, wrapping his warm arms around you.
You inhaled his scent as you lightly squeezed him one last time, and pulled away.
He tangled his fingers with yours and pecked your hand as he let go, and watched you walk out the door.

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