No Secrets Amongst Friends

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You woke up to five texts and two missed calls from Pete.
What the fuck? He knows your phone goes on silent through the night. What was so important?
You slipped out of bed to pull up your roller blind, and crawled back into bed snuggling the covers.
You waited for your eyes to adjust to the daylight before dialling Pete's number. Ring ring...

"Yo" his voice was croaky, and you heard the tv in the background.
"Whats the emergency fugly?" you ask jokingly
"Huh?" he asks with confusion "Ohhhh" somethings strikes his memory. "YOU!"
"ME?" you mock him unknowing what he means
"Yeah! YOU!" he full heartedly laughs. "I know all about you and I know what you did in the dark."
"Uhh.. okay?" now you're confused
"I'll be round soon" you hear him smirking through the words
"Bring pizza or dont bother" you demand and end the call.

What the hell is going on?
You threw on your favourite hoody and headed downstairs, turning on Kerrang as you quickly tidy up. Not that there was much to tidy. Your OCD tendencies dont allow you to be messy or untidy.

Not long after, you heard the heavy steps of Pete bolting to your door and letting himself in.

"Mmmm you did actually bring pizza!" you excitedly greeted him. Your excitement turned to curiosity when you saw the incredibly smug look on his face.
"Soooo?" you are eager to know whats going on in his head.
"Sit down dork, eat your pizza. Then we'll talk" he takes a seat, still grinning, and bit into a slice.
Once the large pizza was demolished, he began.
"Patrick" he says with that damn smug grin again, like he's waiting for you to react to his only word. "You. And. Patrick". he continued. You tried with all your might to keep cool and control your nerves. You stayed quiet waiting for him to proceed.
"(Y/N), he told me. Well, he didn't tell me. Not at first. I beat it out of him." he confessed. Your heart stopped, and any words that you tried to verbally speak were lost in your panic.
"Its ok (Y/N). Really! You kids will be cute together" he finished as he sat back and crossed his left leg over his right knee. Smug through-out. You sat still - frozen almost, before you assembled some words
"What do you mean?" you hoped he was bluffing. He tilted his head back and laughed.
"He said you'd deny it! he made me swear not to tell but he knew. How could I not tell you I knew? you know?"
"Tell me exactly what he told you" you insisted
"He didnt give me the goopy details!" he rolled his eyes. "He just said, you know, kissy cuddly squeezy, then I walked in and ruined it". A smile escaped you as your mind drifted back to last night, those moments with Patrick were amazing.
"Did he say anything about me?" you enquired, half giggling and feeling like a shy 12 year old at school, pulling at your sleeves and crossing your legs.
"Yeah. He's crazy about you." he was serious for a moment. "You both need this". You nodded.
"RIGHT. This is Sunday? yeah yeah, band practise on Tuesday. At mine so be there for about 7. Patrick cant come get you cus he has to work right up until, so you'll have to keep your lips to yourself until then" he grinned at you. You grinned back and shoved him into the side of the sofa.

You were surprised that Pete was so accepting of you making out with his band mate. His band meant the world to him; god forbid anything went wrong and they had to part ways.
He stood up and brushed off the crumbs of the pizza, and headed for the door.
He reached his arms out for a hug and departed.
You sat down; your thoughts driftng back to Patrick. Pete's words "He's crazy about you" resounded in your head as you went over once more the memory of being in his arms.

** :) **

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