He's adorable

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You've been talking with Patrick in the kitchen for a while now. Music, gigs, films, memories - conversation was narurally flowing. The essence of time had escaped both of you; it's like you were in a bubble.
You still couldn't put your finger on what was different about him. Whatever it was he seemed more confident. Gorgeous, polite, sensitive, shy. But confident. At that moment you'd realised you were crushing on him. Stop it Y/N. Don't develop feelings for a band member. It's dangerous and you know it.
"I'm telling you! He tried his hardest to remember the chords and ended up playing Jingle Bells instead!" Patrick was sharing a gig rehearsal story about Pete.
"How could he forget his own song?" You ask as your tummy hurts with laughing so much
"I don't know." He laughs. "The guy is special". Patrick says as he stops laughing and looks into your eyes. You felt your blood pump through your veins, he was so pretty.
"(Y/N)?" Smiling as he tilts his head, almost like a dog looking for a treat
"Yes Patrick?".
"Are you.." he looks down and pauses for a second, a slight smirk escapes him. "Are you seeing anyone?" his eyes meet yours.
WHAT? You think to yourself. No no no no don't you dare think out loud. My goodness how do I sound cool and not give away that he's wow to me?!
"Uh.. n.. not at the moment" you try not to sound shaky or nervous. But damn you were.
He smiles. That smile again, it's killer.
"Ah, I see" he pouts and takes a sip of his drink. You don't want to read into anything, but you're sure he was checking if it was ok to be into you.
Is this happening? You ask yourself.
"Empty?" He asks
"Excuse me?"
"Your drink..." he said as he gently took the glass from your hand to refill your drink. "What did you think I said?" He laughed as he poured.
Kiss Me, you thought to yourself.
"Oh, nothing" you lied.

** What's going to happen next?
Wait and find out ;) **

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