Girl I'm Just Impressed With Your Face Not Your Dress

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The door creeks as you push it open, very slowly.
You hear shuffling so you brace yourself for an intruder. You gasp.

"Hey!" you're greeted with a nervous yet welcoming voice.

It was Patrick.
He was sat in the right hand corner of the wall length sofa bed, legs crossed, snuggie wrapped around him, enjoying a book. He must not know Pete installed central heating a few months ago.

"Hi." you say, stunned, and relieved that it was him. You close the door behind you. "Don't mind if I join you in here?" you ask

"Not at all. It was getting lonely anyway!" he said as he arched his shoulders from the wall and pulled the snuggie down from his chest. You take a seat next to him and look up at the fairy lights glowing. He's really set the scene in here.

"What are you doing in here?" you ask him with a laugh
"It was getting wild out there..." he responded as he raised his eyebrows and bared his teeth.
"Yeah, it sure was. I'm lucky I managed to get out!" you said, and he chuckled.

There was a silence that followed.
It wasnt awkward, it was peaceful.
The distance of the shed from the party was just enough so you could hear the sound of the birds chirping outside. The window installed on the roof boasted a dark midnight sky twinkling with a blanket of stars. It was beautiful.

"Theres... uh... root beer in the mini fridge, and a can of coke... if you want one?" Patrick asked you.
"Yeah, sure. Coke please." you reply. He smiles at you and gets up to fetch you the can of coke.
He sits back down and you lean back against the wall.

"Whatcha reading?" you're curious to Patrick's reading tastes.
"Its uh.. I dont know, its a crime thriller thing, I think. I'm only two chapters in, nothing special going on really.. its wack" he advises you, as he lays the book down on the floor. "Hows your coke?" he asks.
"Cold. Very cold. Or it could be in here?" you ask as you tilt your head around the room.
"Yeah its so cold in here" he breathes out to demonstrate the cold air capturing his breath. He turns his head to your direction and smiles. "Come here".
You budge closer to Patrick; your heart races but you're calmer than you were earlier. You feel more comfortable, more relaxed. He puts his right arm around your shoulder pulling you in closer to his body, hovering the snuggie over you as he's doing so. With his other arm, he starts to rub his hand up and down your upper arm.

"Warmer now?" he says barely breaking a whisper.
"Yeah, thats much better" you smile at each other, and catch each others gaze. His eyes have changed colour from the diamond blue you endured earlier. Now theres almost a yellow ring around his pupils, changing the blue to a hazel-green. You've never seen eyes like his before; they're stunning. You could lose yourself staring into them, fall in love with him maybe. Love? insane thinking of that.

He breaks your gaze and looks down to your lips, biting his in the process.

You lift your hand to rub his hand - the one that is stroking your arm.
He looks down, your eyes follow. He lifts his hand from your arm and entwines his fingers with yours; you're now holding hands and you are amazed that his hand fits your tiny hand perfectly.
You look back up to Patrick and he's already looking back into your eyes.
He leans in closer slowly moving his face towards yours, closing the gap between you.
He touches the tip of your nose with his. You feel your cheeks rise - you're grinning at his cuteness.
He grins back, and bites his bottom lip with pure lust. He purses his lips and gently pecks yours.
You feel the soft delicate touch of his lips, smooth and perfect just like you imagined.
He swifly takes his arm from your shoulder and wraps his hand around your waist. You lift your hand to caress his cheek as you continue to kiss, under the mightnight sky; hands still entwined.

The kissing comes to a natural stop and you both smile lovingly at eachother.
You remove your hand from his cheek, place it on his chest, and lay your head on his shoulder. He pulls you in closer, caressing your hair with his hand and holding you tightly with his arm wrapped around you.

"You're wonderful (Y/N)" he whispers to you as he kisses your forehead. You smile so hard.
"And you're perfect, Patrick" you tell him.

** I loved writing this. I took my time to make sure it was just right. Hope you guys liked it. I'm looking forward to the next chapter and I'm bloody writing the thing!!! haha **

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