Three's A Crowd

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You lay in bed with Patrick, cuddling into his chest as he played with your hair.
You declared eachothers love, you had sex, and you feel like there's nothing or nobody who could make you feel this happy. You were moving a little quick, but you were both extremely happy.

"Baby?" Patrick softly called on you
"We're going steady right?" he curiously asked for the status of your relationship, pouting his lips and looking down at you
"Is this a question or a statement?" you laughed "uhm.. I'd like to think we are?"
"Just checking. Didn't want to start calling you my girlfriend if you didn't like it" he said, stroking your hair.
"Wow. Patrick Stump is my boyfriend." you say as he smiles, nodding in content.
"That I am" he added.
"Are you hungry? gorgeous boyfriend of mine" you ask
"I could eat.... beautiful girlfriend of mine" he replies, mocking you. You stick out your tongue and scrunch your nose before giving him a quick peck and heading downstairs to make some light food.

You made a few small triangle tuna sandwich's and put together a platter of crisps, when you heard footsteps behind you. You smiled, and turned around.
Your smile turned to shock when it was not Patrick who stood in front of you; it was Pete.

"What the?" you couldnt get the words out
"Hey dork." Pete grinned "your door was locked, so, you know, I let myself in" he confessed as he flashed your spare key and put it back in his pocket.
"Pete! for fuck sake, its like... half 1 in the morning!" you said as you glanced at the clock and shook your head, waiting for an explanation
"It is?" he said, glancing at the clock also "oh.. well you're up so its all good! and you're hungry too by the looks of things..." he said as he reached out to the plate of sandwich's. You smacked his hand.
"Not for you, creep. They're for us" you told him
"Us? Who's us?" he asked as he scanned the room and followed you upstairs
"Me and Patrick"
"NO WAY!" he gasped "he's here? have you guys been doing the dirty?" he laughed
"Shut up man" you tried to shoosh him as you got to the top of the stairs
"HAHAHA this is after sex food isnt it?!" he was oddly excited. You glared at him, cold as ice, as you opened the bedroom door and tried to warn Patrick of his presence behind you.
Patrick was still unclothed but luckily under the covers. He smiled at you and moved his head to get a clear view of Pete strolling in behind you, still trying to grab a sandwich.

"Wahey! Patrick you're the man!" Pete yelled as he walked towards him, raising his hand to give him a high five. Patrick blushed.
"What are you doing here Pete?" Patrick asked, trying to pull some more covers over his bare chest as you crept back into bed, handing him a sandwich. He thanked you and took a bite.
"WELL....." Pete began, as he sat on the corner of the bottom of the bed "I was over at Joe's, right, and on the way home I thought dork would want to play some Grand Theft Auto... but it looks like she's been doing some grand-ing of her own" he winked.
"My god." you mumbled. "Since when do we play GTA at 1 in the morning?!"
"Hey. We used to all the time thanks very much" Pete stated, crossing his arms.
Patrick finished up his sandwich and bent down to the floor to pick up his shirt. You could tell he was uncomfortable being so bare with Pete in the room. Pete's eyes followed his movements as he got a glimpse of your fingernail marks on Patrick's back.

"You dirty d-bags" Pete said "you must have gave it to her good, Trick" he laughed uncontrollably, clapping his hands together like a seal, bent over in hysterics.
"Peter, you're an ass." you said. Patrick pulled his tshirt on and shook his head at Pete.
"I told you you kids would be a cute couple! didnt I?!" Pete declared, gesturing with his hand as he stood up. "Be right back" he said as he walked out the room towards the bathroom.

Patrick turned to you, shock in his eyes.
"Jesus. When did he get here?" he whispered
"He let himself in when I was in the kitchen" you whispered back "I totally forgot he has my spare key."

Pete walked back into the room.
"Right. Well. I don't want to get in the middle of that bed so I'm off! Patrick. We got band practise tomorrow night." Pete stated "Bye kids. Have fun" he said as he grinned, walking out the door.

You waited until you heard him locking the front door behind him before you burst into laughter.
Patrick, looking relieved, joins you in the laughter.

"Oh my god." he paused. "That was random" he said as he fell back onto the pillow, and pulled his shirt back off to get comfortable again. He looked at ease.
"He is going to be telling everyone... I feel sorry for you... band practise will be hell tomorrow!" you said to him as you started laughing in the middle of "tomorrow".
"I know right" he said, sighing, and signalling you with his arm to lay down and snuggle into him.
You do so, and kiss his chest, stroking his chest hair at the same time. You were content in his arms, and as you felt the touch of his skin cradle you, you inhaled his scent and drifted to sleep.

* :) *

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