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Shit, shit, shit! You whispered to yourself as you climbed out of the bath tub. You lost track of time soaking your sins away. You managed to find something suitable to wear, so all you really needed to do was your hair and apply a bit of eye liner. Once you got going, you were soon ready to leave.

*Patrick's POV*
I walked through Pete's front door and hurried myself into the living room, laying my guitar down and catching my breath. I was last to arrive... oops.
I scanned the room looking for her. She wasnt here. Maybe she was getting a drink? at the toilet? outside for fresh air? I wondered as I felt a nudge on my back. I turned around, excited to see her!
Excitement turned to upset, it was Pete.
"Hey man" he said as he looked behind me to the front door. "Is she coming in?" he asked
"What? She's not here yet?!" I paniced. Have I scared her off?
"No? You're later than you said you'd be so we all thought you went to pick her up?" he admitted.
"I text her earlier.... she said she was coming...." I looked down to the floor. I really like her, and I've been myself too soon and spooked her.
"Hey." Pete hushed "She'll be coming, don't stress." he smiled as he began setting up the equipment.
I hoped so. I shrugged it off and gave the guys a helping hand, we had songs to play.

*Back to third person POV*
The sound of your keys jingled in your pocket as you rushed along the streets to Pete's house.
You finally reached his door when your phone starting buzzing.
"Hello?" you answered, catching your breath and grabbing the door handle to let yourself in
"Yo, dork. What the hell you doing?" Pete said as you closed the door behind you. You hung up and walked through to the livingroom; Pete was standing in the centre of the room, Joe in front of him.
"There she is!" Joe yelled and grinned
"Jesus. Why are you so late?!" Pete demanded to know
"I'm sorry" you raised your eyebrows and stuttered "...I lost track of time in the bath."
Pete took a step closer. "Patrick thought he scared you off" he whispered to me.
"WHAT?" you hadnt realised the volume of your voice; you covered your mouth with your hand.
A smug look appeared on Pete's face as he continued setting up the bands equipment.
You walked past him heading for the kitchen, when you saw a glimpse of Andy smoking a cigarette out the back yard. You placed your bag on the counter and stepped outside.

"Hey" Andy said to you. His voice was like a whisper, he was shy and gentle. He nodded and walked past you walking towards the living room. Your eyes stayed to where he stood before he moved.
"Hi sugar" Patrick greeted you; standing still looking at you from the spot where Andy stood. (LOOKING AT YOU LIKE PICTURE*) He looked good. He wore a flannel shirt, black skinny jeans, black combat boots and his signature fedora. You could smell his sweet musk cologne.
"Hi cutie" you answered him "I'm sooo sorry I'm late, I completely lost track of time!" you apologised.
He chuckled. "Its fine, you're here now" he smiled, still looking at you. He held his arms open for a hug. You walked towards him and embraced yourself into his arms, resting your head on his shoulder.
He rubbed your back up and down and pulled away slightly, still holding you while he looked into your eyes. You stroked his cheek with the side of your hand, and you felt his grip get a little tighter.
He bent his head down and pecked your lips with his, kissing you softly but passionately.
You felt your heart race, being in his arms kissing him felt so right.
"Come on" he took a grip of your hand and entwined his fingers through yours, as you walked back into the house. He quickly pecked your lips once more with his before entering the living room.

"Put her down Patrick!" Pete joked as Joe and Andy laughed.
"Shut up" he growled, and lead you to a seat on the sofa. He gently let go of your hands and stood infront of the microphone stand in the centre of the room. You couldn't keep your eyes off eachother.
The rest of the band joined Patrick in the centre and began playing.

"Am I more than you bargained for yet" those words came pouring from Patrick's angelic voice. That song. Again. It will forever remind you of him and how you felt the first time you kissed.
Patrick glanced at you several times through-out the song. Chills went up your spine every time he did so; he was playing to your emotions, innocent and dirty. Damn he knew it.

** Any suggestions? **

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