Haunted by the Undisclosed

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Pete's hidden agenda engagement party came to a happy end in the early hours of the morning.

You and your fiance made your way back home, sober. Patrick was so exhausted with worrying over your answer that he fell into a deep sleep, cuddling into you and snoring lightly.
He looked so peaceful.
But you couldn't sleep, and you hadn't slept a wink all night since getting home.
You were too delighted with Patrick proposing to you. Your brain would not switch off.
You checked the time on your phone; 5:50am. You sighed and carefully stepped out of the covers and crept out of your bedroom to go downstairs.

You made yourself a cup of hot chocolate and lay on the sofa for a while, pulling the sofa snuggie over your legs as you flicked through the tv channels. You looked down at your ring, glistening off the glare of the tv. It was so beautiful - Patrick had great taste. You smiled, finishing your hot chocolate and getting comfy, slowly drifting into sleep. Finally.

* Patricks POV *

"What time is it?" I said to myself, waking up and realising (Y/N) wasn't in bed next to me.
I lifted up my phone to check the time; it was 6:30am. Where is she?
I also noticed there was a text from Pete. I opened it, wondering what he was texting for.
"Dude you have to contact her and make sure she did it. You know it can't go ahead until its done." it read. Shit. He's right. But it's been so long and I really don't want to open that door. I'm happy now, and I'm in love with (Y/N), I can't let anything come between us.
I got myself out of bed and treaded down the stairs. As I got to the livingroom I saw (Y/N) laying on the sofa, fast asleep and clutching her engagement ring with her other hand. It was then that I knew she wasn't able to sleep last night, she was so chuffed she couldn't stay calm. I walked over and carefully sat next to her, stroking her hair and inhaling her sweet scent. I was discreet enough to not wake her up, she looks so peaceful and breathtaking.
Pete's right. I need to check before its too late.

* * Oooh.... * *

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