Separation Makes The Heart Beat More

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2 weeks had passed and you were still at Pete's.
You hadn't seen Patrick in that time, nor had you heard his voice. The only contact you had with him was a text, and it was only because you drunkedly text him telling him you missed him.
Pete told you Patrick didn't want to contact you first, and despite only being next door, you felt like you were 1000 miles away.

You were currently sitting in the livingroom with Pete, preparing some sandwich's and other bits of finger food. He informed you he was having a couple of people round tonight, and you were more than welcome to join, or hide in your cave (your new term for "your room").  You decided to take the plunge, help with the food, and make an effort for the first time since being here.

Afterwards you were in your "cave", applying a stroke of eyeliner and spraying a splash of perfume. The only one you had with you was Patrick's favourite. Whenever you smelt it, you thought of him and how he reacts to you when you're wearing it. Bittersweet memory.

You carried on down the stairs when you heard the sound of Pete's band arriving. You got half way down the stairs when you realised you werent wearing any shoes, but it was too late, the door rang again and you had no choice but to answer.
You opened the door, not expecting a rush of emotion as those bright blue-yellow eyes staring back at you. You smiled, not realising how large a smile.

He smiled, clearly not expecting the warm welcome.
"Hey" he said as you gestured for him to come in. "How are you?" he asked
You smiled again, loving the sound of his voice and his soft musky smell.
"I'm ok. How are you?"
"I'm ok" he stood in the lobby, awkwardly, with his hands in his pockets.
You took a step closer to him and looked to the floor. He removed one hand from his pocket and rested his hand on your shoulder. You looked up and caught his gaze.
"I miss you" he whispered, watching your movements to assess the situation.
"I miss you too. Every day." you whispered back, smiling, holding back the tears you felt bubbling.
He leaned forward and gently pecked your lips with his. You kissed back, feeling at home again.
"Why didnt you call me, baby?" he asked you, tilting his head and scanning your face
"I didn't know what to say" you confessed, holding onto him, never wanting to let go.
He smiled sympathetically, and leaned his forehead against yours.

You were interrupted by Pete standing in the doorway, arms crossed and coughing ahem.
Both you and Patrick looked up.

"You know... there is a sofa for that. Or a bedroom upstairs. Or next door... Just saying!" he grinned and walked back into the livingroom.

You both hissed at him and ignored his comment, this was the first time seeing eachother in 2 weeks so you wasnt going to let Pete's sarcasm ruin it. Patrick kissed your forehead, took a hold of your hand entwining your fingers together, and headed inside to join the others.

Some time had passed and everyone was boozy.
You and Patrick were cuddled up on the sofa, enjoying each others company and grateful to be together. The more you sat there in his arms, the more you wondered why it was left so long to get back together, not that you were broken up or anything. Euphoria came to mind. From your little bubble, you watched everyone around you get increasingly drunk. Usually you would be up for the same antics (not drinking so much, since you're not a big drinker), but you were happy enough with one drink, and the man your heart longer for.
Patrick sat there, holding you, stroking your hair and keeping you content. It felt like it was just you two in the room.

It was 1am and everyone had left, leaving behind the mess of a great night.
You walked Patrick to the door, hand in hand, play fighting and laughing together.
He stood infront of you, gazing lovingly into your eyes as he held your hands and took you closer for a hug. He kissed your neck and held you tight, it felt like no time had passed at all.

"Sugar?" he called on you
"Yeah baby?"
"If you're not busy tomorrow, can we maybe talk? have some food if you're hungry?"
You smiled, knowing in your heart it was time to make mends with your fiance
"I'd love to" you accepted, and leaned forward to kiss him.
"Good" he said, smiling. "I'll come through around 1?" he asked, kissing you again
"Sounds good to me" you said, kissing him back once more
"Great. See you then. Good night" he kissed you for a final time, as he took the short 8 steps to your house next door. You waved him goodbye as he closed the door behind him.

You went inside the closed the door, hands on your chest, feeling the beat of your heart. Happiness hit you like a train; you couldn't wait until the next day to be with Patrick again.

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