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You woke up nightmare free, feeling refreshed and still ecstatic from last night.
You turned your head to face Patrick, but he wasn't there. You scanned the room for his presence, when you heard your bedroom door creek open. Patrick walked in carrying a tray holding coffee with toast and scrambled eggs for you both. Your heart melted, what a darling he is!

He smiled at you lovingly, as he handed you your plate and mug.
"Hey sugar" he said before kissing you.
"Hey cutie. What is all this?" you ask him, a little choked up with surprise
"Just a little something" he tilted his head and smiled, then made his way back to the bed to eat breakfast with you. Breakfast in bed was good, but it was amazing with Patrick.

Once you were done you both took a shower (seperate showers... though all you wanted to do was jump in and join him! especially when you heard his angelic voice singing), then headed downstairs hand-in-hand; you figured since he made his way to the kitchen that he knew where everything was and didnt need a tour of the house.
You spent all day together, enjoying each other's company - cuddling on the sofa, taking selfies, watching films, talking and getting to know eachother more. You even wrote a song together. Time flew by so quick, you both didn't realise how late it was when he had to leave for band practise.
He kissed you passionately at your front door, with each kiss you felt his devotion, and his sadness that he had to leave you. You hugged him tight and kissed him once more before he left for Pete's.

2 hours later you were lying across the sofa listening to Kerrang, after you finished your final meal for the day. Patrick was on your mind, he was all you could think about. You could smell his manly scent on your shirt, and with every burst of Patrick's smell you felt euphoria and heaven. He was only gone for 2 hours but you missed him so much. Being apart from him made you feel like something was missing; he was becoming a huge part of your life.
You felt your phone vibrating against your leg. You picked up the ringing phone to an incoming call from Pete, you pressed answer.

"Yes?" you answered, Pete didnt respond, instead you heard laughter in the background. "Hello?" you answered again. No response. Just laughter. "PETE?" you yelled down the phone.
"Ah shit. Hey dork. Sorry I just told the guys about our little encounter this morning" Pete finally answered. You heard Joe in the background, then you heard Patrick respond to him. It was too muffled for you to understand what was said, but he sounded miffed.
"Yeah thanks for that. Is that why you're calling?" you ask
"Yeah" Pete said, you could hear the smirk in his voice. "The loved up couple!" you heard more laughter from Pete and Joe.
"(Y/N) baby just ignore them" you heard Patrick yell in the background. The sound of his voice made you smile, it was comforting.
"Goodbye Pete" you tried to hang up
"Wait! Wait wait. Yo Patrick, your missus." he said as you heard the phone being passed to Patrick.
"Hey sweetie. You okay?" he asked you
"I'm fine cutie, how are you? Are you coping with the teasing over there?" you ask
"Yeah it'll blow over. Listen, I gotta go, we've got some more songs to do. I'll call you as soon as I leave here okay?" he said his goodbyes
"Of course, have fun. And don't kill anyone" you joked
"I'll try. Mwah!"

He hung up the receiver and you listened as the line went dead. You clutched your phone, smiling.
His voice soothed you, and even though he wasn't there, you felt like he was right next to you.
You cleaned up the clutter around you and headed for bed, waiting for his call.

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