United Hearts

233 7 1

* Skip ahead 9 months.
Pete now lives next door to you. The band are a little more known locally. And finally, you and Patrick were so in love and happy, that he moved in with you. *

With precision you applied the finishing touches to your make up, and checked over your clothes to ensure you looked ok. Through the mirror, you looked at Patrick behind you fixing his hair into place and spraying on your favourite aftershave of his. He looked amazing, as always, you thought to yourself. You turned around and headed to the kitchen to grab a bottle of Jack Daniels. You were always taught to never show up to a party or celebration empty handed, even more so if it's Pete's shindig you're going to. You jumped as you felt Patrick wrap his arms around your waist from behind, kissing your neck and holding you.

"You look beautiful sugar." he whispered to you in between neck kisses as he held you tighter
"Thank you" you smiled as he lifted his head from your neck and kissed your lips gently. "Very formal occassion he's got us dressed for" you quizzed Patrick, who seemed a little on edge.
"He likes the whole suit and tie, little black dress thing, every once in a while" he told you, letting go of his hold on you and rubbing your shoulders. "Besides. When do we get to look this good?" he joked, grabbing the bottle of Jack Daniels and placing it in a gift bag.

You left the house and headed next door to Pete's. As usual everyone else was there and you two were last to arrive. Fashionably late had become your thing as a couple.
As you walked into the livingroom Pete greeted you both with a hug and gestured for you to come inside. All of your closest friends were dressed as neatly as you both were; drinking and partying on.
You took a seat in the centre of the room next to Joe's wife who has greeted you with open arms.
You glanced over at Pete and Patrick, heading for the kitchen.
It looked as though Pete was questioning Patrick about something, and Patrick seemed nervy.
You dismissed the encounter and continued chatting.

Some time had passed and everyone was getting boozy.
You were still sat in the same spot as you were when you first arrived. Pete was stood in front of you in the centre of the room; Patrick beside him sitting on a stool, Joe and Andy on stools behind them.
All eyes shifted to them and everyone groaned with excitement as they started to perform.
It was of course your favourite.
"Am I more than you bargained for yet" the words came pouring out from Patrick; his angelic voice gave you goosebumps every time. Every 20 seconds or so Patrick would gaze back to you, looking nervous and a little scared. Again you dismissed it and smiled whenever your eyes met.
As the song finished Pete pulled his stool next to the sofa, and Andy and Joe stood next to the door of the kitchen. Patrick remained where he was; everyone was looking at him but his eyes locked to yours. You could see a bead of sweat drop from his forehead. What's going on?

He took a step forward and reached for your hand.

"Come on baby" he said softly as he pulled you up to your feet and to the centre of the room, you facing everyone with his back to them and facing you. He held your hands in his.
"What's going on Patrick?" you whispered, now worried. He smiled and bit his lip before clearing his throat.
"(Y/N). I'm going to keep this short and sweet" his voice spoke with more volume, enough for everyone in the room to hear. You looked around, noting that you both still had everyones attention.
"I love you. So, so, much. And I know you love me just as much. We're so happy together and I can't see any other way I want my life to go than this." Patrick said still holding onto your hands as he bent down, lifting one knee as the other remained on the ground.
You gasped; your jaw dropped as you realised what was happening. You glanced at Pete who was grinning, and giving you the thumbs up.

You looked back down at Patrick. He pulled out a small red velvet box from his blazer pocket and lifted the lid, revealing a beautiful white gold ring with a baby pink jewel sparkling and catching the light with every movement.
You felt a tear fall down your cheek.
"(Y/N). Will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" he asked, fear in his eyes.
You wiped the tear from your cheek, smiling and biting your lip.
"Nothing in this world will stop me" you said.

The room cheered uncontrollably as Patrick placed the ring on your finger and stood up, hugging you tightly with relief and tenderness.
"I love you" you whispered in his ear and kissed his cheek. He pulled back from the hug slightly and kissed you passionately. "I love you too" he said looking into your eyes, grinning, still holding you.

Pete strolled over to you guys, passing you back the bottle of Jack Daniels you came in with
"Congratulations my favourite couple ever!" he said, grinning.
You both laughed an thanked him.
"This was planned right?" you asked them both. Pete looked at Patrick and shrugged as Patrick smiled and nodded.
"Well. Yeah. Basically you're the only one in the room who didn't know" Pete confessed laughing.
Patrick rubbed your back as you shook your head, smiling.
"Yeah." you said "But I knew something was up!" you yelled pointing your finger at Patrick "you looked terrified earlier" you told him
"I.." he choked "I was scared you'd say no!" he shrugged his shoulders, gazing into your eyes.
You kissed him gently before resting your head on his chest, wrapping yourself around your fiance.
He stroked your head as you both stood there, holding eachother and swaying to the music.

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