Dessert for Breakfast

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* Side note: You frequently suffer from nightmares; every few months or so you'll have one a few nights in a row *

You woke up abruptly from a nightmare.
Your eyes darted to the clock on the wall; it read 02:15am.
You turned around to make sure you hadn't disturbed Patrick from his sleep, he was facing the wall but you were sure he didnt feel your body jerk up from the bed. It had been a while since your last one and you were stunned it was happening at this happy point in your life, not that they're triggered by anything; but it took you by surprise.

Slowly and cautiously, you crept from the bed to the other side of the room where Patrick had earlier placed two water bottles. You took a sip and soothed yourself from the night terror, god it was awful.

After a few moments you crept back into bed, carefully peeling the covers back from where you lay.
As you moulded into a comfortable position you felt Patrick stirring. He tossed around to face you and opened his eyes, blinking and adjusting to the dark room. Damn, you thought. You woke him.
"Hey sugar" his voice was croaky from just waking. "Whats wrong?" he said as he scanned your face.
"Hey" you whispered as you bent down to kiss him. "Nothing, I'm fine. Just had a nightmare." you told him, shifting your eyes across the room. You didnt want him knowing how bad they got.
"Really?" he was surprised "You wanna talk about it?" he asked you. How lovely of him.
"No, no, it's ok. I just..." you paused, not knowing where your sentence was going. He gently pulled you by your waist closer to him, as he wrapped his warm arms around you, squeezing you tightly, protecting you from the bad dreams you endured. He kissed your forehead and rubbed your back.
It was just what you needed.

* Fast forward 6 hours - 08:15am *

You and Patrick has been cuddling, talking and enjoying eachothers company since you'd woken up from your nightmare. You were so tired, he looked tired too; but you were appreciating being the spotlight of his attention. He was an amazing person, you adored him.

"We should probably get up" Patrick said as he glanced over to the clock "Pete will be getting up soon for work, if he's not already up". You nodded in agreement. You both got up, Patrick picking up his jeans and shoving them on, you removing his tshirt and quickly fastening your bra before he turned around. Yes, he's seen you, but you weren't 100% comfortable with yourself in the daylight.
Once you were both dressed and you fixed the bedding, hand-in-hand you headed downstairs.

"Guys. I'm running late. Shit. Shit. Shit!" Pete explained as you entered the living room. He was running around grabbing various bits of paperwork with a piece of toast hanging out his mouth.
"Fuckin hell! stupid alarm!" he yelled.
"Pete. Breathe... you'll get to work on time for 9, just relax" you tried to calm him down as you headed for the front door, still hand-in hand with Patrick. "We'll see you later ok?" you said as you both waved at Pete who was still frantically trying to gather his work.

"Well. I don't know about you sugar, but I'm starved!" Patrick admitted to you, rubbing his stomach.
"Yeah I'm quite hungry too actually"
"I know this great place near by... if you want to grab some breakfast?" he said smiling, gesturing the way with his hand.
"Sounds great. Lead the way cutie" you told him. He nodded his head and continued down the road.

He took you to a small but sophisticated cafe a few blocks away.
As soon as you walked in the staff greeted him; he was clearly a regular here.
"Hey Trick! where you wanna sit today?" said the server, short, red head with curls and a lip ring.
"Uh.. can I take the back table? you know, the private booth one?" he asked, pointing to the tables direction. The server nodded and gestured for you both to make your way to the table. You loved that Patrick was a regular somewhere; not just anywhere, somewhere cute and small like this place.
You took a seat in the booth and Patrick shimmied up next to you, placing his hand on your thigh and pecking your cheek. You smiled at eachother, looking over the menu. This was perfect.
"Can I do the blueberry pancakes please?" Patrick asked the server. She nodded, and looked at you.
"And I'll have the.. uh.. the bacon and syrup pancakes? please" you were unsure of your selection.

15 minutes later you were both nibbling away at your pancake breakfasts, occassionally taking a swipe from eachothers to compare the taste of both. You were pleasantly surprised at how good they were! the perfect after fondle food, you thought.
"This tastes almost as good as you" Patrick cheekily whispered in your ear, with a saucy look in his eye and a glimmering grin across his face as he nonchalanty continued eating.
"What do you mean almost?" you teasted him, pouting. He laughed.
"Alright. They taste better than you!" he joked and you playfully belted his arm.
"You're something else, Stump" you said to him, taking the last bite of your pancake.
"Likewise (Y/N)" he leaned forward, tilted his head and kissed you delicately. He looked down to your empty plates. "Shall we?" he asked you, signalling towards the door. You kissed him, and stood up.

As he paid the bill (you fought with him, but he wouldn't take no for an answer), you held the door open for him and headed out onto the cold street. He took your hand, entwining your fingers.
"That was lovely, thank you" you thanked him for the lovely morning you shared.
"No problem" he kissed you again; no matter how much he kissed you, you still wanted more.
You rested your head against his shoulder as you continued walking.
"I have work in a couple of hours" he told you "but I could see you again later? or tomorrow?" he inquired, sounding like he didnt want to be away from you.
"Yeah, that would be great. Just text me or something? after your work" you said.
"I most certainly will" he smiled.

He walked you to your house and held you in his arms as you got to your front door. He was so warm and inviting, he made you feel all fuzzy and secure. He was stealing your heart.

"One more" he said, kissing you. "One more" followed by another peck. "More" and another. You giggled in between kisses, him smiling, embracing all the little kisses he was taking from you.
"Ok last one" he grinned and kissed you, smoothly and intimately. So much fire. So much passion.
He sighed. "I hate that I have to go." he stretched out his bottom lip then smiled.
"I'll call you, ok?" he said, letting go of his warm grip to your body, biting his bottom lip as he headed towards the pathway. "You better!" you yelled as he looked back smiling.
You opened your front door, and collapsed yourself onto the couch. Your heart was racing so fast you could barely catch your breath. You smiled thinking of Patrick. He was extraordinary.

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