Chapter 12: Tell Me a Lie

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A/N: Hey everyone! Before you start reading, i'd like to say that i'm dedicating this chapter, something that i've never done before, to @lizzielaurad! She's been extraordinarily kind to me and has supported my fan fic since the beggining, always commenting and voting and encouraging and motivating me to keep writing!!! I know I only have a small percentage of the reads she does but I hope someday that lots of people will see this and go check out her amazing stories (if they haven't already)! This one's for you @lizzielaurad, thank you for being so unbelievably awesome!

P.S. There's also some swearing in this chapter, I hope that doesn't offend anyone!

All Saturday morning, I didn't once leave my bed. I lay there, my head on the pillow, thinking about the events that had transpired over the last couple of days. When I was little, right before I would go to sleep, I used to turn out the lights and then sprint to my bed, thinking that if I got there safely, the monsters wouldn't hurt me. I guess now I was doing the same thing. I felt safe here under the covers, as if all my problems were outside the little bubble I had made for myself.

I fell in and out of sleep that night, constantly waking up with tears streaming down my face from a series of particularly nasty nightmares about Avery. By the time the sun started streaming through my windows the next morning, I was so emotionally drained I doubted I would ever be able to leave my bed again. 

My mom came in to tell me that she and dad were going to a lunch party and Asher texted me asking if I wanted to go yachting with him and Astoria, but other than that I didn't hear from anyone. Not Louis, nor Niall. All the people that I wanted to talk to were seemingly going about there lives, to caught up in their own problems to acknowledge mine. 

Around three in the afternoon my stomach started grumbling in hunger. I ignored it for as long as possible, but eventually I caved in and shuffled downstairs in my fuzzy slippers. I threw open the fridge and examined the contents. There was a block of cheese that looked as if some sort of exotic plant species was growing on it, a yogurt two weeks past it's experation date, a bottle of wine, and a pack of saltines. I groaned, but it wasn't really a big deal. I would just walk to the cafe down the street. 

I quickly changed into a purple sundress and some flip flops, then walked out into the sunny afternoon. My ankle was feeling a lot better and it was actually nice to be outside after all the time i'd spent in my bed fortress. I walked around for God knows how long, letting my feet lead the way. Eventually I looked up to observe my surroundings. This area of the neighborhood looked incredibly familiar to me, and it only took me a couple seconds to realize why. This was the cul de sac where Niall lived. In fact, I was standing right in front of his house.

On one hand, I wanted to go all 127 Hours and amputate my feet for bringing me to Niall's house, but maybe it was a blessing in disguise. After all, hadn't I just said that I wanted to talk to him? Taking a deep breath, I walked up the front steps and rang the doorbell.

I waited for about thirty seconds before it swung open. It was Niall's mom, Maura. An expression of happy surprise filled her face when she saw me.

"Stella Parker, is that you?" She exclaimed, throwing her arms around me. "I haven't seen you in years!"

I smiled, hugging her back. "It's so good to see you."

"Are you here to see Niall? He's just in the den with the boys! I'm making cookies, why don't you come in and -"

"Actually Mrs. Horan," I cut her off. "I'm just here to ask Niall if I could borrow his calculus textbook, I accidently left mine in my locker."

"Oh, okay love." She said, slightly crestfallen. "I'll go get him for you."

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