Chapter 30: Everything Has Changed

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"Stella, who's this?" Niall asked, looking from me to Ryder and back again.

"Allow me to introduce myself." Ryder said smoothly, holding out a hand for Niall to shake. "I'm Ryder Hartley."

"It's nice to meet you." Niall smiled, shaking Ryder's hand. "Niall Horan. Are you a friend of Stella's?"

Ryder smirked suggestively, recognition flashing across his face. "I suppose you could say that. So you're the Niall i've heard so much about?"

"Stella and I go way back." Said Niall shyly.

Watching Niall make small talk with Ryder was making me feel nauseous. This was far too dangerous of a situation, I needed to get Niall out of here before Ryder let something slip.

"Well it was nice seeing you Ryder, but Niall and I have to go now." I frowned, grabbing Niall's arm and attempting to pull him back across the lobby.

"Hold up, why aren't you in school? Also, where's lover boy? Considering what limited time you have together I would think you'd want to spend as much time with him as possible." Ryder interrogated.

"Louis is in school." Was my curt reply.

"Trouble in paradise?" He smirked. "It's all for the best I suppose, it'll make it easier on both of you come Sunday."

Niall shot me a confused look. "Stel, what's he talking about?"

"Nothing of any importance." I insisted. "Niall, can you go wait in the car? I'll be right there."

Niall didn't look too enthused that I was sending him to wait in the car, but he didn't protest. "Um. okay. It was really nice meeting you Ryder, maybe we can hang out some time." 

He gave us a small wave before striding back across the lobby and out the door. "I like him angel." Said Ryder, sitting down on the couch next to Vasquez. "You know, I actually think I may be doing a favor, he suits you well." 

I took a seat on the couch across from them. "The last thing you're doing me is any favors Hartley. As a matter of fact, you're doing a pretty good job of making my life a living hell. Also, what are you doing, dragging Eleanor Calder into all of this?" 

"Ah, Eleanor. You know, I think I may be in love with her, she's even more merciless then I am." Ryder smiled. "Yes, we had quite an interesting conversation last night." 

"What about exactly?" I inquired, almost dreading the answer.

Ryder just laughed. "That's not for you to know. Let's just say I made her an offer she just couldn't refuse." 

I stood up angrily. "Goddamit Ryder, i'm getting real tired of your shit! This is my life that you're fucking around with, you have no right to keep any secrets from me!"

Ryder looked surprised at my outburst, but almost immediately regained his eerie compusure. "No need to yell. I get it, you're fragile, you're upset, you're heartbroken, blah blah blah. But listen here angel, you are sadly mistaken if you think this is just about your life. Nothing is ever just about you, no matter how much your Mommy and Daddy tell you it is. There are things that you don't need to know, and therefore, i'm not going to tell them to you, no matter how big of a tantrum you throw."

"Don't you dare patronize me." I ordered. "I may have sold my soul to you to save the life of the man I love, but that gives you no right to treat me as your inferior." 

Ryder stood up, smoothing down the front of the black button down he had paired with dark jeans and expensive looking loafers. He took a confident step towards me, and I stood paralyzed to the spot as his hand gently cupped my chin, guiding my gaze up to his. "My dear, sweet, darling Stella. The last thing I think of you as is my inferior, if anything I would admit any day that you are much better and braver a person than I am. But just like so many other pretty young things, you're a damn fool. A fool who is blinded by the fleeting temptress that is love. I'm not patronizing you in the slightest, i'm just trying to prevent history repeating, and if you don't remember you and secrets don't necessarily have the best track record."

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