Trey & Latesha

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I wake up smiling. Today is the day we find out what we're having. Life with Makayla and Alivia has been an eye opening experience. She's really not all that bad once you get to know her. We've formed some type of bond.. I wouldn't necessarily call it a friendship, but it's on the way there. I'm really excited to be a mother. Trey is having one hell of an amazing time being a father.

"Are you ready to go Latesha?" My mom asks. We've mended our differences. It was childish of me to react that way but in a way I guess it helped. It helped make our relationship a lot stronger than it use to be. She calls and comes over a whole lot more. I guess once she accepted the fact that am pregnant and the situation as what it is, we're all able to move on. She's not really fond of Trey working for Santiago but neither was I when I first met him.

"Yes I'm ready." I yell after I finish getting dressed. "Good morning baby." Trey says walking into the bedroom. "Good morning." "You ready for our big day?" He asks smiling. I smile back and wipe a tear, "Yes. I'm so excited." He comes over to me, "Aw baby you're crying." He wipes another tear. "I know. My bad." He chuckles lightly and we stand there for a few minutes. "Let's go or you're going to be late!" My mother yells. Trey grabs my hand and we make our way down the stairs.


Life has been great with my baby girl in it. All three of my girls are happy. Technically Makayla isn't mine but my baby mama so same difference. I'm excited as hell to be a father. Things his Latesha mama has smoothed on out. I never had a problem with her in the first place but maybe she wasn't so fond of me from the beginning.

We arrive at the doctors office, "Baby it's time." Latesha says smiling. I love happiness on her. "Yes just please be a boy. I can't take another girl, Alivia is already enough." I say laughing. I could some testosterone in this bunch. My phone rings as we walk back into the room. "Yes mama?" I say answering. "Now I know y'all weren't going to walk in there with out saying anything." I turn around and see my mama sitting next to Latesha's mama. "Baby." She turns and look.

We walk back out to the waiting room and speak. The nurse comes back out, "We have to get you two back here, the doctor will be inside any minute now."    The woman says. "You two gone and go inside. We'll meet y'all at the restaurant." My mama says with her and Latesha mama getting up. I'm glad they're getting along and my mama isn't acting all bougie and shit. "Okay see y'all in a bit." We go back into the room and the doctor is already inside. She instructs Tesha to lay back and begins to rub the gel on her. "Let's see what's cooking in the oven..."


We head to the dollar store to pick a few things before our lunch with our mothers. I am so excited about all of this, I can't wait to share the news with them. "Baby get one color of each, pink or blue only. I don't want any of that extra shit, no yellows, or greens, just pink or blue." He laughs, "Alright mama I got it." While he walks over to the baby side, I pick up a few toys of the actual color. This could be funny.   

I pick up both of them a gift bag and once we make it to the car I begin to set up their bags. "Baby mind if am we stop by Makayla's first?" Trey asks. "No it's fine, go ahead. It'll give me time to set these up anyway." I wouldn't mind seeing Alivia either.

We pull up to Makayla's. While Trey runs inside I finish making the bag for the grandma's and the mini bags for our friends. I get out to stretch my legs. "Latesha?" A voice says from behind me. I turn around and see, "Lil J?" I ask smiling. "What's up girl? Damn long time no see baby." He pulls me into a hug. "Damn pregnant too." He says shocked. I smile, "Yes 6 months to be exact." Lil J, Jayvon, was my boyfriend until he went off to school in another state and meet a girl name Jakeya. "Jakeya treating you well?" I ask. "Well Jakeya left me last year."

"Damn Karma's a bitch right?" I ask chuckling. "You know you were always the one that got away." He says smiling. "Is that so?" I ask rubbing my stomach. "Yeah you know I could have spent forever with you." "I'm glad you didn't." I look up and see Trey coming out Makayla's. "What's good baby?" He says coming over wrapping his arms around me. "Nothing at all." I say looking at Jay. "Who's this?" Trey asks. "Just an ex."

Trey smiles, "Well are you ready to go?" "Yes I am. It was good seeing you Jayvon. "Yeah you too Tesha." The stupid look on his face brings me great satisfaction. We get inside the car and  head to the restaurant.


After I help Latesha inside, I step out to call the crew. I couldn't have a a gender reveal without our friends, it is kind of last minute. I wish Latesha would've thought of this all, this morning. Thankfully everyone is one the way now.

I head inside and sit down. "Everyone is on their the way now." I say sipping on my drink. "Yay! I can't wait until y'all find out." Latesha says smiling at our mothers. "Baby what is this?" I ask her. "A Coca Cola." No wonder, "You know I'm a Pepsi guy." She laughs, "Yes I do but they only have Coke products here." My mama shakes her head. "Just like me and your father." She says sighing. I've never been cool with my pops, the relationship between us is nonexistent really. I can't recall the last time I talked to him.

"Latesha you never told me Apryl travel a lot." Her mother says. "Because I didn't know?" She says shrugging. We all laugh. "Well Latesha I talked to your academic counselor at school and you'll be able to graduate this upcoming Spring if you can complete your final six classes." She smiles, "I didn't know I was that close to finishing!" Chris and Aliyah walks in. "Hey y'all." Aliyah greets us and hugs Latesha mama. "What's good bruh?.. Hey mama." Chris says. The waitress brings our appetizers. "Aye slide them loaded potato skins this way."

Milan and August walks in. Now a woman I've seen glowing but both of they asses. That's they light skin shit. "What's good Aug?" I dap him up. "Well Milan it looks like you have something to share with us." Aliyah says laughing. "Oh no that's not the I'm pregnant glow that's the I got some cuddy last night glow." "Ma!" I say in disbelief. "Baby, mama grooves hasn't left." This is just wrong on so many fucking levels.

We finish eating and I head outside to grab the bags. "Well everyone thank you all for coming and we have some exciting news to share with everyone." Latesha says. A phone starts ringing. We all look around. "Sorry this is me." My mama says. We all pause what we're doing. "Hello..... Yes this is she... Who?.... What!... Oh my God thank you well maybe not thank you but send my condolences to the wife." She hangs up. "Baby! Guess what!" "What ma?"

"Your father died." Well damn I know we didn't  know him but why the hell is she so excited about that? "Dang. What happen?" The mood kind of drops around the table. "Who cares? He left the both of us 1.6 Billion apiece." My heart and mouth drops! "You are now the owner of Johnson and Johnson."

"Wait, We'll deal with this later." I say laughing. I'm happy as fuck. It just took a few seconds for this shit registered. This is the greatest thing my father could've ever done for me especially with a baby one the way and one already here. Thank you pops! "You just brush off you being a billionaire off like that? I'm trying to be like you when I grow up." Chris says. We all laugh, "So everyone each of you have a bag and in this bag you have items that will tell you if it's a boy or girl. No peeking mama." She laughs, "Alright no peeking." We pass everyone a bag.

"Here baby you need one too." Latesha says. I glance over at her. "No I don't." What she mean I was inside the room when she found out. "Just take it." I grab the bag. "On the count of three everyone open your bag. One, two, three!" The bags fly open. I pull out a pink onesie and a blue one. I look around and everyone else has the same thing. "Alright baby I thought the purpose of this was to reveal what we're having." I say confused as fuck. "Well baby we're going to need one of each." It gets quiet around the room. "Twins!"

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