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Chapter 8:

"GUESS WHAT!" Scottie screamed once I entered the music store on a lovely Friday afternoon.

"What?" I smiled.

"What is tomorrow?" He asked, gripping my shoulders.

"Saturday?" I guessed.

"Try again." Now he was getting too close for comfort.

"February 11th?"

"OH MY GOSH," he screeched. "ITS MY BIRTHDAY!"

All I can say was, thank god there was no customers in the shop.

"Oh yeah!" I smiled giving him a hug. "You're going to be legal!"


"How are you celebrating?" I asked Scottie.

"Um excuse me. I'm celebrating with my best friend! We're going clubbing Pipes," he stated.

"Oh no we aren't," I disagreed. "I will never go to a club or a party. Ever," I said. And I wasn't kidding, parties scare the life out of me. I never wanted to touch alcohol and I wanted to thank my dad for showing me all the horrible effects it has on someone. "I'm not going near alcohol or teenagers that have alcohol."

"Piper!" He whined. "You're such a deadbeat!"

"Sorry!" I threw my hands up in defense.

"We have to do something though!" Scottie whined again.

"Yeah sure. Sushi?" I asked because if someone knows Scottie, they know his favorite food is sushi.

"Yes, definitely. It's a plan," he agreed, taking my offer in a heart beat.

On Saturday, we got a whopping six customers enter the music store and they all bought something, so Scottie thought we could celebrate by closing up shop a little early. I mean, the faster we get sushi, the better. But I contradicted.

"We should stay open a bit later, see if anyone else comes in," I suggested. Business was good today, so why not? Scottie rudely laughed at me. But I negotiated us to the official time it closes, six o'clock.

I was thrilled to get some sushi. It was my favorite type of food as well. But I knew I would have to use all of last weeks pay check to cover the cost of mine. Sushi isn't cheap and I had no money.

Once we picked out whatever we saw was the most interesting, the friendly waitress took our order. I debated telling her that it was my friends birthday, but I knew that would make Scottie happy and have a boost of confidence, so I decided not to.

"We have to like get a cake and go to my house. Or get ice cream. And when's my surprise party?" Scottie spitted out questions along with some of his sushi. It was funny until I saw raw, chewed up fish on his tongue.

"You're gross. Close your mouth," I scolded.

"So there's no surprise party?" he pouted.

I rolled my eyes, smiling. Sometimes I wondered why I had a goofball as a best friend.

That smile was quickly swiped off my face as I glanced towards the entrance, seeing a familiar face walk in. His mop of curls were perfectly pulled to the side, as always. His emerald green eyes met mine for a mere second before turning to look at the hostess. But that's when I saw the girl by his side. I knew she went to our school, but I couldn't think of her name... Kaylee? Kylie? Kayla?

"Umm, earth to Piper?" Scottie said waving his hand in my face. I didn't notice I was staring for so long until I was interrupted. Scottie quickly turned around in our booth, and saw the two of them and turned back just as quickly.

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