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Chapter 22:

I wasn't exactly thrilled to go to work the next day. I hadn't seen nor spoken to Scottie since the god-awful party. I wish I could erase that night from the past. But all I could do for now was hope that this afternoon went okay.

The ding at the door went off as usual. There was no sign of Scottie but the 'employees only' door was open so I assumed he was already working on something. Right as I got behind the front desk, an elderly couple came walking in the shop. The man had a cane and they were holding hands.

"Hello," I greeted them. "How are you two today?"

"Very well, thank you," the old lady said with a smile. "Oh look George, a Frank Sinatra tape!"

"Oh look at that. They even have the record." The old man, George, looked at me, "You've got everything here don'tcha?"

"Of course," I smiled. "The tapes are fifty percent off. And if you are looking for anything specific, I can help you find it."

"Thank you young lady," he said.

With that, Scottie came out from the employee door. I gave him a soft smile for the time being because there were customers in the store.

"Miss, I think we will take this tape and this record," the lady said, pointing to the exact ones.

"Of course!" I said happy to get a sale. Scottie rang them up silently. And they were on their way.

"Please come back and visit us!" I said as they walked out. I earned two soft smiles in return.

"Alright let's talk," Scottie said suddenly. I turned to him.

I sighed. "I'm over it all. I don't want to talk about it. This was days ago Scottie, I'm over it," I said monotonous.

"But the way I embarrassed you at that party was nothing like a friend should do. I was drunk and excited to see you there but also worried. Parties aren't really your thing."

"Yeah no shit," I said sarcastically. "Never again will I go to one."

"But what if I invite my best friends to Chucky-Cheese on my birthday again? Would you go to that?"

"Your such a goof." I lightly elbowed him in the chest.

"So that's a yes?" Scottie wiggled his eyebrows.

"Maybe, and I accept you apology," I said and ran to the keyboard which I had been dying to play for days.

Scottie kept putting book after book in front of me and I was happy to tickle the ivories for him.

"So I have to tell you something," he said once I decided it was time to stop. "And don't be mad."

"Okay.." I dragged out. Scottie stood there smiling. "Tell me you dingus!" I yelled and punched his arm.

"Ouch jeez woman. Girl can punch."

"Don't look surprised," I squinted my eyes. "Just spit it out already!"

"Okay... I have a girlfriend," Scottie said coolly, staring at me.

"Wow, that's great Scott! Never knew you had it in ya," I smiled, genuinely happy for my best friend.

"Wait... So you're not," he looked at me, "mad?"

"No, why would I be?"

"Um no reason. Just that this sexy thing's off the market."

I burst out in laughter. "Well she better treat you right or I will come and punch her harder than I just did to you or vice versa!"

"Yeah," Scottie smiled softly.

He was either acting blushy and normal for telling his best friend he has a girlfriend or extremely weird and odd. I couldn't tell. I knew Scottie was a party boy and I never thought this day would come, but it did, and it was downright odd. But Scottie at least smiled with the news, so that's good.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw someone sitting on the bench outside the store looking through the window pane and straight at me. His face looked familiar but not familiar enough for me to fully recognize.

I counted, one Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi, until his gaze left mine.

Had he been there the whole time? I looked back and he was still there, watching me. It was getting creepy. I know if Harry was here, he would've noticed this guy right away, but he wasn't here.

Scottie was.

Scottie was rearranging records. "Hey Scottie," I said taking me eyes off the man. "Come here for a second."

He gladly did. "Do you see that guy over-" he was gone.

I took my eyes off the mystery man for five seconds and he was now out of sight.

"What?" Scottie asked, confused.

"Umm, never mind." I scraped my head.

Did I really see that guy or was it just my imagination?

And just like that, another customer came in to take my mind off what I may or may not have just seen.

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