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Chapter 10:

Harry had not been at school for days. The reason: I had no clue why. My guess: because of me.

It was now Friday night. Scottie texted me that he developed the flu and had a very high fever, therefore, I was at the music shop by myself. I practiced piano and helped customers like usual, but I did it alone... and with agony. It was definitely not the same without Scottie there. He was the whole reason I had a job there.

So in my agony, I decided it would not be much of a hassle if I closed up the store a bit early, say an hour or so. I mean, no one would catch me, so why not?

I speedily drove home, eager to have the house to myself. I told Rene to go to a friends house and have some fun. Lately she had just been lounging in her room, and it was sad to see. But I mean that would have been me if I did not have a job or Scottie as a friend.

As for my father, he was gone. This time it was coming close to a week. He had disappeared mysteriously Sunday night and I thought nothing of it then. But he still had not shown up.

But this was not his first time pulling a stunt like this. And this was not my first rodeo. Once sophomore year and when Rene was in fifth grade, still in elementary school, dad was gone for a straight week and a half, leaving me to scrounge his chunky mattress for loose change to buy some food for us. I had learned the secret of his mattress when I was twelve. But that week and a half in tenth grade was rough. I just got a job and was just getting to know Scottie, not fully trusting him to tell him what was going on; why my eyes were drooping and my stomach was constantly growling from only splitting a granola bar with Rene for breakfast and having a little snack sized bag of Cheerios for lunch that day.

That was definitely a low point in my life. Even more though that my dad came home the next week, acting like he never left. He was drunk as ever and looked as if he did not bathe for the whole time being gone, but he had a smile on his face, that I remember. He gave us both huge five minute bear hugs, telling us in drunken slurs that we were "his only sunshines". That day, like everyday, I put on my biggest fake smile for him.

That is why, I was not feeling anxious about him being gone for a few days. He would show up eventually. He always did.

I made sure and double checked that I had locked my car up when I got out. Our neighbor, Jimmy was known for constantly trying to get into our car at night when he was the most stoned. But even Jimmy seemed to be gone. His lights were out. Wait–the whole street seemed even more eerie and quiet than usual.

I cautiously stepped in the house, not believing my eyes. I mean, I didn't... I couldn't... I wouldn't... What?

I stared at him while standing in the doorway until I felt the cold chilly air filling the front room. I turned around so my back was to him, slowly closing the door and my eyes while I took a deep breath.

He had not been at school for days and he shows up on my living room couch. Who let him in? Why was he here?

"Uh, hey Piper," Harry spoke up.

"Hi," I said as slow as a tortoise. "What in the world are you doing here?" He was about to speak. "And who let you in?"

Harry cleared his throat. "I'm guessing your sister. Rene, is it?"

I did not answer but stormed off into the hallway where the bedrooms and the bathroom were. Seeing Rene's doorframe lit up, I could tell she was in there. Without knocking, I barged in.

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