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*five years later*

"And now, let me introduce to you . . . the new Mr. and Mrs. Harry Styles," our DJ said.

I still had my long white gown on so I was carefully watching my feet not to trip as Harry and I were introduced to the flood of people in the reception room. Anne insisted I keep the wedding dress on all night long. I wanted to object, but she had the whole wedding planned down to a science.

Drinks were poured, dinner was served, dance moves were made. It was fabulous, everything I had imagined. Anne did a wonderful job. I barely lifted a finger during the process since I had more than enough on my mind.

Walking down the isle was nerve wrecking enough. Rex, my father, never came back after that treacherous week in high school where I needed him most, so I traveled the aisle alone. We both recited traditional vows like I had always planned. Saying "I do" felt like the easiest thing to ever come out of my mouth. I felt so blessed.

"So you officially tied the knot?" Scottie snatched me from dancing with one of Harry's little cousins.

"I guess I did," I smiled at Scottie.

"Man," he took a look at me in my wedding dress. "I always thought it would have been me."

I snorted. "What makes you think that?" I joked. "You had girlfriend after girlfriend."

"Yeah yeah yeah," Scottie said quickly changing the subject. "I heard you are a private piano teacher now."

"Yes I am. It's not much. But it's something," I said as we drifted off to the side of where the guests were dancing.

"I guess I just want to say I'm sorry," Scottie said all of a sudden.

I pursed my lips. "Why?"

"I wasn't as good of a friend to you as I wanted to be."

"Don't be silly Scottie. You were my best friend!"

"I was?"

"Yes! Of course!" I said. "You will always be."

"Phew!" Scottie sighed dramatically. "I love you Piper Armstrong!" He bear hugged me and I started laughing.

"More like Piper Styles now," said Harry behind me. Scottie quickly let go of me and wiped the smile from his face. "Relax Scottie. Friends?"

"Sure. Friends," Scottie said skeptically. I punched his arm. "Ow!"

"Man up," I scolded. Scottie rolled his eyes and walked away.

Harry's eyes followed Scottie as he walked away.

"Damn you look good in white," Harry said barely louder than the music.

"Be nice to Scottie. He's harmless," I said.

Harry nodded. He turned me around to face our dancing family and friends and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling my back to his front. "Mrs. Styles. Mrs. Styles. Mrs. Styles," Harry whispered in my ear. "It just feels so good to call you that."

I giggled and turned my head to kiss his shoulder. "I love you," I said while trying to strain my neck to look at him. He looked better and shined brighter than any man in this room and it wasn't just because he was the groom. It was because I was still falling desperately in love with him.

"Harry! Piper! Come here!" Max, Harry's best man, yelled and patted our dining thrones. We walked over and sat in the seats.

"Remember this bad boy?" Max said. He handed the both of us our senior year yearbook.

"Oh god Max of course you did," I laughed. Max recovered easily and got out of the the drug-dealing business as soon as he was ejected from the hospital five years ago. He turned his life around pretty well and Harry supported him through the way.

Harry put his arm around me and turned the first page. "Allow me," he said.

Memories after memories flooded my mind as our whole table gathered around to look at the yearbook. Harry laughed when he pointed out Jay in the basketball team picture. Jay stood right next to Harry with a fancy suit on like all the groomsmen and shoved his shoulder playfully in response.

"Look!" Rene said, pointing to Harry and I all dressed up for prom.

I never really expected him to take me to prom after all that happened senior year, but he did and I was secretly so happy to go. As always, Anne dressed me up in a beautiful purple dress and did my hair and makeup that night. It was all I could've asked for and more.

"Oh please," Harry said, "that night was awful."

I smacked his arm. "That night was amazing you fool," I said in a teasing way.

"I'm sorry, my love," Harry teased back and kissed the tip of my nose. Rene gagged.

I laughed at her response to our back and forth banter. In my opinion, Rene was the prettiest one here. Anne did a fabulous job picking bridesmaid dresses and of course my little grown-up sister rocked the long pink dress. Rene was now a senior in high school and I could not have been more proud. Harry and I took her in as soon as we got an apartment the fall after our graduation. She was not thrilled about leaving her friends to move, especially after they basically took her in when our father left. So we tried to stay as close to them as we could.

Rene did not know about Mary though. Harry thought it would be best if she figured it out on her own like I had. As soon as we graduated, Harry got a steady job, and we moved into our apartment, I made it my plan to reach out to Mary, the woman who saved my life... my mother.

As soon as I realized all the hints Mary gave that she was my mother, it was like my life was fully complete. I didn't dare try to hold a grudge about her leaving our family when Rene and I were young. I did not want to be without a mother any longer, so I welcomed her into our life with open arms. She gladly accepted and now only Rene had to figure it out or I had to let Mary tell her.

I looked up from the memories and the searched for the table Mary sat at. She sat next to Anne and Des at a close table. She shook both of their hands and introduced herself. Anne's face looked shocked. As Anne and I got closer, I told her more and more about my life so it was only reasonable for her to be surprised when Mary introduced herself as my mother.

"Great times," Harry said, closing the book and handing it back to Max.

"Indeed," Max agreed and we all toasted to that.


Author's Note:
Hey guys! I don't know if anyone reads these anymore but I just want to thank you for reading my story! I worked really hard on it for the past {2?} years and I'm finally done!! I really would love if you left comments telling me your favorite parts or anything really at all. I love you all and hope you have an amaZAYN day 😘😘

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