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Chapter 42:

"So someone finally came for you. Good because I was beginning to think you were a lost cause."

Harry and I both turned our heads to see Terrance's beaming face.

Terrance had five guys behind him, two of them had Max in chokehold. "I was beginning to look where you were because you were late to our meeting. Luckily I found your friend here," Terrance said at me.

Harry softly wrapped his arm around me and stepped in front of me.

Terrance then looked at Harry and grinned. "And is this the infamous Harry Styles, isn't it? I'm glad you came. We could really use you here."

"I'm not in the business. Never was," Harry said cooly and reached for the gun that I never noticed was in his back pocket. He rested a hand on it.

"That's a shame because if you and your friend here agree to that, you two could actually get out of here alive," Terrance threatened. Suddenly all of his men pulled out guns. Harry pulled his out too and fully stepped in front of me.

"What do you really want with her?" Harry yelled, making Terrance think for a second. "She is no use to you. She was never involved in any of this and has no idea where her father is."

"Yes. I suppose she might not. But she could be a lure," Terrance said. "I mean, she lured you two men here, she could make her father come too, couldn't she?"

"Rex doesn't care about anything but himself, Terrance. You know that," Max bravely spoke while struggling in the hold of two men. He grunted in pain when they tightened their grips after Max spoke.

I knew I had to speak up. I could not just coward back and let them fight my battle for me.

"But surely he would for his daughter, as beautiful and valuable as she is," Terrance was so sure of himself.

I cleared my throats and stepped to the side. "It's true. My father hasn't cared about my sister or I since my mother left and that's that."

Terrance grinned. "So she speaks! She hasn't spoken, at least to me, in four days." It was as if this whole thing was amusing to him. He was a psychopath. "Anything else you'd like to add before I shoot them both and still keep you here? Actually I really don't care."

Harry raised his gun higher. "Don't you dare!"

"Shoot him already!" Terrance yelled.

It was all so fast.

Harry pushed me into the bathroom which the doors were wide open. I tried to grab Harry's hand but the sound of a gun fired first. Several bullets were flown through the air actually. He came into safety several critical seconds after me.

I locked the door and leaned against it. We were safe for a minute at most.

Harry cried out in pain, leaning against the vanity.

"Oh God!" I rushed to his side and it was clear as day that he'd been shot in the shoulder. "Breathe, Harry, breathe. I'm right here. Squeeze my hand." Luckily he was able to squeeze my hand with the fingers of the shoulder that was shot.

"You two get out there or I'll fucking break down the door!" Terrance yelled from the other side.

I panicked. "What, what do we do Harry? Are you okay to walk?"

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