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Chapter 23:

A few days later I came home from the music store a bit later than normal. It was almost ten o'clock at night and Scottie invited me to dinner with his rich family.

All of his little siblings clung on to me like I was a tree the moment I stepped through the door. They were all so cute. Sammie, Shelby, Steven, Sophie. I always made fun of Scottie because he had a cliché family with all the siblings having the same first letter of their name. Yes, Mrs. Brown insisted on it. "Shut up Piper" is all Scottie would say when I made fun of him about it and I would continue to laugh.

On the other hand, school was thriving. I still had my straight A's as I consistently had all four years now. During free period, Harry and I would meet up at the library and I would help him out. I could tell each time he came, he was getting smarter, learning more, and it helped that we were friends. Just friends. And that's it.

When he tried to kiss me on the way home from the movie, there was no way I was going to let him. It made everything simpler if Harry stopped trying with me. I knew what type of guy he was and I was fine just being friends with him.

When I turned onto my street, I noticed almost six trucks all parked in the driveway. My heart started beating wildly. My father's people were here... again.

I snuck around to the side of the house and jammed my window open. Little arms helped me as well. It was Rene. What was she doing in my room?

I quickly snuck through my window to be greeted with the sound of crying, smashing of glass, and shouts. The crying was coming from Rene whom was perched on my bed as if she was waiting for me. The smashing and yelling was coming from the main part of the house.

My arms could not move fast enough to give Rene a big squeeze. I could not believe I wasn't here earlier.

"What's going on?" I whispered, still holding her tight.

"I-I don't know," Rene softly whimpered into my shoulder. "Make it stop Pipes."

"Shhh," I shushed my sister. I covered her ears as well in attempt for her to not know what everyone was yelling about. As for me, I strained my ears to listen.

"I gave you two weeks to make the delivery and not only did you not do it, but you lost a man in your failing."

It was my fathers voice that I heard before another shattering came. Rene yelped into my chest. I rubbed her back as tears began in my own eyes. What was my dad talking about? Why was he being so violent?

"I'm so sorry," a whimpering man said back with all his might. "I just needed another week."

"You piece of shit, you don't get another week!" another man shouted lividly.

"Max, load the gun," my father shouted.

My mind went straight to the worst scenario. Max? Max, Harry's friend? That goes to my own school? Angrily loading a gun because of my fathers orders? No, no this was not happening...

I immediately grabbed my phone hitting the call button next to Harry's name. He would know how to fix this. He was the only one that I knew to call.

"Hello?" Harry answered.

"Harry," I shakily said into the phone.


"I, uhm, need you to to come over right now."

"Is everything okay there, Piper?" he asked slowly with a sincere tone.

"No," I squeaked out above the noise of the shouting.

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