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Chapter 21:

Not having our teacher in religion really made things interesting. Harry kept on trying to talk to me about what he thought the movie was going to be about. I put my input as well as to what I thought the movie would consist of. At the same time a lot of work was assigned during class that I wanted to get done and I kept telling Harry that as well.

Rebecca also, not knowing how to work with her own partner, always had to say something every now and then to Harry. I did not know if she just wanted to get his attention or what, but I was going to snap soon if she would refuse to shut her trap.

She went from asking Harry about Star Wars which she has absolutely no clue what the series was about, to pathetically mentioning to Harry about her potential prom plans.

I always thought prom was stupid and superficial and for the popular students at school which was probably why Rebecca decided to discuss the topic to Harry right in front of my face. I didn't need a 200 dollar dress, fancy makeup, a corsage, and a date to make a night to remember when I could easily sit with Scottie in his huge house on the couch until 4 am binge watching shows and eating 10 hotdogs.

And to my delight, prom was a little more than a month away which meant posters were up on the walls and it was the talk of the school. But just like last year, I tried by best to tune it out.

I followed Harry to his car after last period ended. He was so excited to watch this new movie with someone knowledgable that it was quite funny. The way his face lit up was priceless. I wanted to snap a picture with my half broken phone every time the car ride got silent and he would freak out about the movie again.

I liked this Harry a lot and I wasn't afraid to say that inside the secure walls of my own brain. He was acting differently but at the same time he was still himself. His charm never stopped.

"Do you by chance know how to play the Star Wars theme?" Harry asked as soon as we both stepped in and he had shut the door behind us.

"I bet I could," I smiled. I approached the huge piano that made its way into my dreams a few times. Slowly humming the tune that I knew by heart, my fingers danced on the keys as I closed my eyes. I was hardly aware of what I was doing, but I was doing it.

I sighed and took my hands off the keys. "Feels like forever since I've played," I said. Which was true, since I found out that my father smashed my keyboard in my room, my drive for playing has reached an all time low. "Ya know, since my dad broke it and all..."

"He what?" Maybe I shouldn't have said that out loud.

"Uhh..." I trailed off. "I meant me. I broke it. Silly me." I started to get nervous. My hands were clammy.

"Are you sure?" Harry questioned. An eyebrow was raised and he did not look amused. "Seems like something shitty that your dad would do." I just nodded my head with a small smile, not really confirming his suspicion or denying it either.

Suddenly all of our attention was turned to a pair of heels clicking down the grand staircase. "I thought I heard something," a woman says and when I look at her she could easily be identified as Harry's mother. She was beautiful.

"I didn't know Harry was bringing over a friend! How great. I'm Harry's mother, Anne. How are you sweetie?" She clicked and clanked her way over to me and gave my a tight squeeze. Very friendly and perky.

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