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Chapter 28:

...So I ran...

And I ran fast. Right behind the car that I had before. I heard Harry calling my name. Oh God, I thought, please make it stop.

So many things were running through my buzzed head. I could hear at least seven voices in my mind, each telling me to make a different choice. I craved Harry and his touch and his lips but I had morals to keep as well.

I slid down the side of the car letting tears fall from my eyes. What was I even doing here in the first place? Was getting drunk the answer for me now? I just wanted to get out of here.

"Piper?" Harry's soft voice came into full focus. I quickly stood up and wiped underneath my eyes. I was going to tell him and I was going to tell him the truth. "Piper what's wrong? Did I do something?" He asked as he heard my sniffles.

"Go away!" I yelled. "I don't want to see you!" It was dark and hard to make out his facial expression.

"What's wrong? Why'd you run away?" He touched my arm.

I jolted back and venomously chuckled. "Why'd I run away? Because I'm pretty sure you just hooked up with Rebecca a couple minutes ago and then you tried to kiss me!"

He took a minutes to think before shooting back just like I had. "Oh really?" I could see his glaring eyes. "As if you weren't all over Ben before I saw you."

"I wasn't! I wasn't at all, that's my point!" I yelled back. "Did you do that just to get back at me? You didn't even see anything!"

I felt hot tears down my cheek. Why was he being so harsh. I did not do anything.

"No," he said defensively. "Rebecca initiated it! I swear." He tried to calm down. "Look Piper..."

He grabbed my hand, but I forcefully ripped it away from him.

"Alright," he said. "You're acting just like you did after you found out about Chelsea. And maybe I did kiss Rebecca and... some other things... That doesn't answer why you ran away from me."

"Pathetic," I muttered, crossing my arms. This was not the Harry I knew.

"Me? Pathetic?" He challenged. "You are the one going to all these parties and bars all of a sudden. You started drinking, but you freak out when I tell you I was with someone the other night or even tonight for that matter. And you run away when I try and kiss you. What is going on Piper?"

"Nothing's going on," I spat, getting very angry and emotionally confused with myself and the boy infront of me. "And do not try and blame this on me! I find it repulsive that you think I will let you fool with me and then be okay with letting you sleeping with fucking Rebecca or whoever else you see the next day!"

"What do you want me to do about that? Huh? I can't change who I am!" He struck back repulsively.

Frozen seconds past as I tried to think of something to say but I couldn't. This was the "player" Harry that I thought I knew before I even met him. This wasn't Star Wars playful Harry or even the one that comes to my rescue every so often. This was the guy that I felt vulnerable around. This was not the guy I was falling for.

But just with one sigh, it was as if he changed back.

"You're different Piper. You make me happy even if we are just doing school work together. So I guess I am just sorry I am so used to girls like Rebecca. I've never really gotten to know one who doesn't have to cling to my body or my social status," he said slowly.

I took a deep breath before answering. I had to tell him what I felt, even if this seemed like a shitty scene to say it in, I had to.

I remembered how Harry made me feel like I was not useless. Before him, I had not really known anyone personally because I chose not to. I let myself get to know Harry and he knew all about me. How could I not fall for that. Even if he was the player in our school with no real hopes and ambitions. This was the first time I had felt this strongly towards someone. This was the first time someone had cared about me as well.

I had this hope that in the back of my mind that he could change. He could change for me; stop hanging out with people like Max and having benefits with Rebecca. He stopped as soon as he saw what he got involved in with my father, so I saw potential in him. He wasn't just the rich popular boy from school, he was more.

It was a long shot and I was scared of rejection. Harry was known to lash out—I would know. But if I did not speak now, I knew I never would...

"I know I'm not like every other girl you've met. I won't kiss your best friend or try to break your heart. I'm not cold. I'm not reckless; I'm careful. I am not the girl your mother warns you about. But then again, I am. My family is screwed up and I have little to no money. But I do have a little bit of hope right now and that's what your lacking."

He stared at me wide-eyed. And I stared back just as strong.

"What are you suggesting? Hope for what? Me to be your boyfriend?" Harry asked coldly. "Is that what you want?"

I froze on my spot. Tugging at the hem of my expensive silver dress. "N-no," I lied. "Not at all..." What was I thinking?

"Then what do you want?" Harry pushed further.

I gathered up as much willpower as I could. I was not going to let Harry see me like this. My hope was gone as the fast breeze whipped through my hair. His cruel form was showing and I'd had enough of it. He didn't deserve to hear the truth, the aching truth.

"I want you to leave me alone!" I shouted. "Monday I'll tell Mr. Blue I want a new class partner and we will start all over. You will have to go find a different tutor. And as for me, I don't know where I'll stay. Maybe I'll sleep in the streets tonight! Just get the hell away from me!"

I pushed past him, but not fast enough. He grabbed my wrist tightly and forcefully turned me around. "You don't mean that," he taunted.

"Oh yes I do," I whispered. "Now let go of me before I make you."

"You don't mean that," he said again.

"Harry," I warned.

"I'm not letting you sleep in the streets or even worse, with one of those guys in there!" Harry said.

"Then what? What am I supposed to do Harry? You are so controlling over me and I can't just be your girl for when you need someone. I'm not like that. I'm more than a confidence booster. I'm--"

"Then be my girlfriend," he blurted out, making my heart stop, my eyes grow wide, and my breathing pattern stutter.

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