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Chapter 34:

It was Monday again, sadly. Harry and I had to return to the real-world for another torturous week.

On the way to school, I called Rene. I was surprised she never called me, so I took initiative in calling her first. She had been staying with her friend Sasha and I had met her parents before. They seemed nice. I was overly pleased to know she was all okay and she knew the circumstances with dad and I did not have to explain to her. It felt so good and I was overly relieved to hear her voice, even when it was through a speaker.

I missed my little sister, my pride and joy. And most of all, I wanted to tell her about Harry, but not exactly when he was in the car driving me to school. I told her vaguely that I would tell her big news some other time.

"So we're here again?" I asked, hoping Harry would say no, start the car again, and drive back. No such luck.

"Yup," he replied unenthusiastically while poping the 'p'. I sighed and unbuckled myself. This was going to be an interesting day.

I was throughly surprised as we continued to walk up to the front entrance together. My mind was flashing back to my first day of high school, the time Harry mentioned that he noticed me first. Little butterflies began to form in my stomach so I gripped the straps of my backpack tighter.

"Here," Harry said, noticing my tension and holding his right hand out for me to hold on to. I thankfully grabbed it after a moment of hesitancy.

Harry lightly smiled as I looked at the side of his face. His eyes were set forward, always so brave and determined in public, showing no flaw. He was pristine, picture-perfect, impeccable. It made me feel foolish for being the slightest bit uneasy about his bold move. He walked with such confidence, making me almost seem too dainty for him.

I kept my eyes on our hands, not daring to look up. I did not want to know if one person was staring at us or if twenty people were; it was just Harry and I.

We stopped at my locker first.

"You know prom's only a week," Harry said while leaning next to my locker as I grabbed my books for first block.

"Oh," I said almost too casually disinterested.

"Don't you want to go?" Harry asked curiously.

"Not really," I lied.

"Why?" His tone was calm but his face was shocked to the high heavens.

"I didn't go last year, and I have no rush to go this year. Plus, I am a horrible dancer." I tried my best to come up with reasons.

"Well, it's your lucky day, I am a great dancer if you did not know already," Harry said while almost laughing.

"Oh really?"

"Mhmm. I dabble in hip-hop, classic waltz, salsa, tango... you name it." I broke into hysteria.

"You've got to be kidding me!" I laughed.

"For the most part, yes," he smiled, "but I can generally move my body gracefully if needed."

"Good to know. I'll keep that in mind," I said.

"So is that a yes?"

"A yes to what?"

"To prom."

I pondered for a brief second as we both stopped in front of my first block classroom. I held my chin with gesticulation.

"It's a maybe," I said boldly before quickly turning around and scampering into the classroom.

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