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Chapter 31:

I woke up to the amazing feeling of strong arms around me. It was peaceful the way Harry held me, not too tight but just tight enough to make sure I could not move an inch. A smile sprung onto my face because of that thought.

He shifted in his sleep and I froze still, hoping that I hadn't woke him.

"Good morning," Harry muttered, his words raspy and deep.

"Damnit," I muttered. "Did I wake you?"

"A proper good morning would be fine," Harry joked. "And no, you didn't."

I sighed. "Good morning to you too."

"How'd you sleep?" Harry asked while climbing out of bed. I frowned because of the absence of his arms.

"Like a baby."

"Great. I'll go make us some coffee."

"Thanks," I smiled as he walked out. He was being so kind and everything was far from awkward.

I walked over to the mirror on his dresser. My body looked swamped in clothing about five sizes bigger than needed. I looked like a human shrimp. Then there was my shimmering dress laying on the floor where I'd left it. I was going to miss that dress and all of its glory. The dress was truly lovely and now it held many memories.

I walked downstairs to the smell of fresh brewing coffee.

"Smells well," I said.


"Oh, smells good," I corrected with a laugh and shrugged it off. "It's early."

"I can tell," Harry laughed. "Any plans for today?"

"Not that I can think of," I said, thinking straight to work, but Scottie would understand my place if I did not show up. Whatever Harry had in mind was probably way better than working.

"Good. We are going somewhere," Harry stated proudly stirring the cup that he eventually gave to me.

"Care to elaborate?"

"Somewhere," is all he replied with a smirk.

"Does it require a skimpy dress because that's all I have here."

"I guess we could stop by your house," he said, looking down. "And if you wanted to, you could pack a small bag... I mean, if you want to stay here for a while."

I stood there thinking about that offer for a few seconds.

"Yeah. Could I? I'm still unsure if I should totally go back and face my dad. It would be great if I could stay here."

"Yeah, it would," Harry said. "Let's get going then!"

"It's only ten o'clock Harry. Can't this wait a bit longer?" I whined following him up the stairs.

"No you get ready to go and I have to do some things."

I huffed and climbed the grand staircase. I grabbed my dress and clutch which was all I had and went back down stairs.

"Play some piano!" Harry yelled from the kitchen before I could see what he was doing.

So like requested, I sat down on the bench, resting my fingers on the keys briefly before playing some scales and then some songs. My mind got lost in the music and time raced by without me realizing.

"Ready?" Harry said when I finished a song. He was leaned against the front door.

"Yeah," I said looking down at his clothes that still were on my body.

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