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Chapter 33:

"We should start heading home," Harry said after we stayed and talked for a while about school.

I tried to pick his brain on the ride home about what his parents were like, especially his father since I had a taste of how energetic his mother was. Of course he did not want to answer, completely bored by the topic of his own parents.

"They keep everything secretive," Harry said. "I never know when the are going somewhere until the day before and I never get the answer to why."

"Sounds like my father," I huffed in annoyance, I did not want to bring him up, but he was relatable. Harry patted my thigh with his right hand. What was left unsaid, was left unsaid.

As soon as we got out of the car, Harry and I both noticed the lights in the main entrance being on and the garage full of cars. But Harry ignored it. I got the feeling that his mood turned sour the instant he opened my door for me.

"Is it alright if you meet my parents tonight? There's no way I'd be able to safely sneak you in." I giggled at the last part of his sentence. The only way to sneak in was climbing a tree and jumping through the window: definitely not safe.

Of course I was not ready. Was a girl ever? But I knew it would be sooner or later.

"Yup, lets go," I huffed with a smile on my face.

We silently walked to the door and he opened it for me, leading me inside with his hand on the small of my back.

"Harry is that you?" I heard what could only be his mother's voice. I faintly recognized it.

"I'm so sorry if this goes badly. I apologize for them," he whispered in my ear as Mrs. Styles came walking through the foyer. She had a bright yellow dress on and small black pumps that highlighted her amazingly toned calves, I was a bit jealous which seemed crazy.

"Oh and you brought your girlfriend. Penelope right?" She asked with the brightest smile imaginable.

"Piper," I corrected. Harry's grip on the back of my shirt tightened.

"Oh I'm so sorry sweetie. I knew that! It's so good to see you again!"

"It's good to see you too Mrs. Styles."

"It's just Anne, remember."

"Oh right," I smiled. She was too nice for her own good.

"Des get in here!" She yelled while smiling at Harry whom was not reciprocating in the slightest.

Almost after what seemed like a minute of standing in the hallway of us looking at each other, a tall man in a black suit came walking into the entranceway. He looked sharp, sophisticated, like the kind of man I would coward down to and probably never come across in my life if it weren't for Harry. I wanted to shrink down to the size of a penny as he got a good look at me. That was when I realized I was in a T-shirt and completely underdressed for them.

"Hello. I'm Mr. Styles and you are?" the cultivated man asked me and his eyes tried to soften as they glared into mine. Harry stiffened beside me as Mr. Styles held out his hand for mine to shake. I immediately compared and contrasted them in my head. I identified where Harry got his show-stopping persona from.

"Piper." I tried my best to firmly shake his hand and my hand instantly got damp from anxiety.

"We have some leftover steak if you guys would like to eat," Anne said, attempting to break the twelve inches of ice that we seemed to have stumbled upon, and I did not want to pass up on dinner.

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